3rd Day In on 3 week pre-op diet
Well, well, well, this is going to be a glorious 3 weeks ; - ) I am on day 3 and I pretty much can't stand the shakes. My dietician and I have come up with a pre-op diet plan, which at least allows me to have some oatmeal for breakfast and a cup of veggies for supper. The hunger is there but believe it or not, it is not killing me but I am finding my cravings are through the roof. Ahhhhh, just keep thinking "light at the end of the tunnel"
A tip for everyone else "buy some flavored extracts to add to shakes to help change up the flavor". I bought coconut extract and add it to the vanilla shake and add ice and put it in the blender. It makes you feel like you are having much more than you actually are and it gives it a different flavor.
I am allowed oatmeal for breakfast, so that helps with my hunger for at least half the day. I try to fit in 2-3 shakes a day and then I am allowed a cup and a half of veggies. So tonight I sautéed peppers and onions and that as good for dinner.
These shakes really taste gross as time goes by but I guess we need to keep telling ourselves there is an end in sight.