found a Food Addiction Counsellor in Edmonton!

on 4/16/15 7:00 am

HI, I'm new to this group. I was wondering if anyone has ever been told they have a food addiction? I just started seeing this new counsellor in Edmonton, and she suggested working though some of my problems from a Food Addiction perspective.  She thinks i'm a food addict. I have to agree with her. I like my Coke. There is no way in hell i'm giving that up. I know I know the dieticans want me to stop it, but still!!!!! ok Has anyone else on here seen or heard of food addiction?? TIA 

on 4/17/15 3:55 pm

Absolutely!  Every time I watch 'my 600lb. Life' on tv. And probably most of us requiring WLS!  I am more a sugar addict than a food addict and struggle with it every day. The DSM (diagnostic manuals psychiatrists and psychologists use) describes it as this:

Is there a simple way to define addiction? Another way of describing addiction is the presence of the 4 C's: Craving, Loss of Control of amount or frequency of use, Compulsion to use, Use despite Consequences.

Coke would be tough as withdrawal would be sugar and caffeine withdrawal. But the good news is after 3-5 minimum days detox (yes we even have to detox) you would feel so much better and the cravings should lessen. Like any addiction you simply can't have it!  Isn't that awful!  I know!  Try eliminating sugar!  It's in everything!  You just have to figure out what works for you!

Tons of of great reading on Internet about it. Good luck!

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