Tips on the 3 week liquid diet HEEELLLLPPPP

on 2/9/15 6:47 am

In the Calgary clinic you must complete a 2-3 week liquid diet before your surgery day.  This is the part I am struggling with.  my surgery isn't until mid-may or early-June but I have tried a day here and there to see how I could do on just the Ensure High Protein shakes and it wasn't hunger that got me, it was the fact that I got very ill each time I tried. Half way through the day I was in bed crying from migraine, shakes, muscle cramping, vomiting and much more. I am petrified for the day I have to do it for 3 weeks.  I am wondering if this reaction is normal? If so, how long does it last?  Any suggestions on what I can do to help with these symptoms.  Again, it is not a problem with hunger, it is the sickness and symptoms I go through.

Any suggestions would be great!


on 2/11/15 2:09 pm - Canada

Sometimes if you call your nurse they may allow you  lettuce  to help with a break from the liquid alone I know  they let me when I was sick to my stomach and feeling hungry too  also maybe water down your ensure may help too ,  just a suggestion is all


on 2/11/15 2:27 pm

Thank u for the suggestions

on 2/14/15 1:49 pm

I was very lucky that I didn't have to do the liquid diet and I actually only had 5 days notice that my surgery was coming. I've heard from others in the past that certain drinks didn't work for them. Some of them did ok with Boost but not ensure, some used Glucerna as it had less sugar and they had less of a reaction to it. Try out some different ones to see if some work better than others. Also talk to your dietation about using your own protein powder and mixing it in fluids that you will like. A lot of people have stated the first 3 days are the worst and then after that it's smooth sailing.

Good Luck.



HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

on 2/16/15 5:59 am

I am trying a few different things.  Today I had a half cup of oatmeal for breakfast and ensure shakes for rest of the day and other than a lill hunger, I did not feel ill AT ALL.  So I will do this for a few days and then try it again without the oatmeal and see if I can gradually move in to full liquids. 

Just practicing before I have to fully do the 3 week liquid.  It will be worth it in the end.

thanks for all the tips

on 2/18/15 4:02 am - Edmonton, Canada

I am on day 16 of my liquid diet . . you can do it :) It really does get easier as the days go by.

All the best!

on 2/18/15 10:35 am

Thanks for the advice. Basically, I gotta suck it up ; )

on 2/19/15 2:46 am - Canada
VSG on 01/21/15

If you've been sticking to the red,green, yellow guide not drinking coffee or pop it will be a lot easier.  You may also need lactaid.  Practicing may just mess with your head.  

But drinking one here and there might be good to see if just one makes you sick.

im guessing it's carb/sugar withdrawal and caffeine withdrawal.

it does get better after 4 days or so.  Your body gets used to it.

on 2/19/15 12:50 pm

Thank you so much for the advice.

I met with my nutritionist today to discuss.  We decided that I can eat a cup of oatmeal for breakfast and 4 shakes for the day and it I get really hungry I can have a plain salad, no calories, I tried that for a day and I didn't get sick or any side affects.  I can handle the hunger but the vomiting and migranes were really tough.

So I will stick with that plan for my 3 week pre-surgery diet.  I found when I eat something small for breakfast, ie: plan oatmeal, I don't feel ill.

Thanks again for the advice.


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