Anyone had surgery in Medicine Hat recently?
Hello Everyone!
I was wondering if anyone has had gastric bypass with Dr.Nohr recently? I am scheduled for surgery on January 13,2014. Its been so long since I had my appointment with Dr.Nohr that I don't feel prepared, and its making me nervous!!
I know I have to phone my height and weight in a month before my date, but it there anything else I will need to do? More blood work or a pre op with my family doctor? anything like that?
I don't live in Medicine Hat any more, so i just want to be prepared!
Anyones input or advice would be appreciated!
A couple weeks before your surgery, Dr. Nohr's office will call you to get some blood work done. Otherwise, all I did was get my house in order, premade some meals for my family, and even though Dr. Nohr never required any liquid diet beforehand, I lost 5 lbs just to ease my mind about my liver. Probably did not shrink much but at least I felt better.
Don't worry. Dr. Nohr's awesome as is the staff at the Medicine Hat hospital. Just get mentally prepared for yourself. This whole process is quite an adjustment to your life as you know it. But it's all good. Good luck!