What was different this time?

on 9/23/13 2:58 pm - Turner Valley, Canada

Waves hello to all, 

Hope that the weekend was good to you 

I want to ask a question of you . 

I'm an emotional eater and I know that I need to find alternatives to this addiction OF USING food. I am doing all the reading , watching, listening that I can. I am so scared of failing. I am going to find a "food anonymous group" and utilize every opportunity that is offered. I know that my baggage is one of the reasons that has always prevented me from success. Not only with my weight.  I have done all the weight loss diets, the therapy, etc etc. I have friends and a family member that have said that everything  else they tried failed. They then have the surgery and they are successful. I'm not saying that its % 100 success for everyone but I seem to hear a "common thread" amongst the people that I have spoken with. . . . this  WLS worked !! hmmmm 

I put this post out there to all. 

 ! ) What helped or worked or didn't for you . . . 

2) Why this time were you successful. . . 

Thank you for any input that you can share with me. 




on 9/24/13 8:10 am, edited 9/24/13 8:14 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
VSG on 10/15/12

Good topic, Lori.  Well, I could go on and on about what's different this time, but I'll leave room for others to chime in :-) Over and above my surgical intervention, I'd have to say that the next biggest 'different' thing for me is logging my food.  My Fitness Pal was and continues to be a critical factor in my success.  



Ht: 5'2" |  HW 225, BMI 41.2  |  CW 115, BMI 21.0

Amanda P.
on 9/25/13 1:19 am
RNY on 04/03/13

I think it is the knowledge that this is my last chance for weight loss.  That is kind of how I feel.  I did this surgery which is pretty drastic and I had to make sure that I changed my lifestyle otherwise I would fail.  I know people who have had the surgery and have gained back some or all of there weight.  I am terrified of regaining my weight.  I make sure that I am doing everything that the clinic tells me to and I workout at least 30 to 60 minutes a day.  I also have health problems that my doctor said will come back if I do not lose all of the weight and keep it off.  That in itself is a motivator to keep on losing the weight.  I am in remission right now but at any time my cancer could come back but the possibility of it coming back decreases with each pound I loose.  WLS works but it is a tool.  If you do not use this tool properly it can fail just like any other diet you have been on.  Watch what you eat, work out, and follow everything that your doctor tells you to do and you will be a success.  

on 9/25/13 4:08 am

1 ) What helped or worked or didn't for you . . .

Answer: Going through the clinic was a hugh eye opening experience for me. For over half my life I had been overweight and no diet worked. I always wondered why when other's could lose weight on the same diet I couldn't. I always failed. The clinic allowed me the opportunity to find out that I have a metabolic disease and that in itself was setting me up for failure by dieting alone. They helped me by tweaking my eating habits little by little, listening to my rants and raves, smiling and congratulating me on my little accomplishment. Guiding me through some of the scarcest moments of my life up until surgery and after. When I felt weak and unworthy, they reminded me I was worth it.

2) Why this time were you successful.....

Answer: Because I was given all the tools to succeed. Through out the modules and the 9 months I was in the clinic before surgery I was given the mental morale to realize that I could make these changes and I could be successful if I applied all the tools I have been given. The moral support from weight wise staff and from the friends I met alone the way allowed me to strive in my weight loss journey. I choose the sleeve so the ability not to be hungry and to get full so fast helped me lots. The first 3 months a couple of teaspoons of food was lots. By 6 months to a year about a 1/2 cup and then a cup later out. Amazing how so little food can be satisfying. Now at 3 years out I can do maybe 1 cup to 1.5 cups depending on the food. I didn't go into the clinic looking for surgery but I am so glad I had it done. It changed my life in profound ways.



HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

on 9/25/13 3:59 pm - Turner Valley, Canada

Waves hello to Linda, Amanda and Keelan, 

Thank you so much for the great post. I hear your convictions in the post. I am trying hard each day to be "real" with myself. 

Tonight while I was filling in my Fitness Pal for the day I wrote something that I though was profound for myself. 

I stated that I felt like I was a cheat. . someone who didn't deserve to be having this surgery. When I reread my own words I felt a sickening in my stomach. Why,  why I wonder do I feel so unworthy?? 

I felt like crying. I have worked hard at releasing inner doubts, I tell myself I am worthy !! BUT . . for what ever reason I act like I don't deserve to be healthy, happier. . more at ease with "me".

Trust me , I am not a wallflower. I am a confident women on the outside but apparently I don't feel that way inside as if I did I wouldn't be feeding my emotions. 

I am scared of switching one addiction for another ( a bad addiction ) not the great healthy ones. lol

Thank you all for your words, I will nee the support in the coming days 

talk soon Lori



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