Home from Panni

on 6/25/13 1:40 am - Canada

Hello - I had my modified panni with Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat 6 days ago.  I am feeling pretty good and healing.  I have to admit the first 2 days after surgery were tough.  A lot tougher than I though it would be.  I was having trouble peeing and finally was able to the beginning of the third day.  I guess the surgery was quite a shock to my body and all my plumbing decided to take its own time to recover.  I still have not had a bowel movement yet, which is kind of worry some but I am taking stool softners and restoralax daily.  I don't feel constipated nor have an urger to go, so I will be monitoring this.  The surgery itself went well.  Dr. Nohr did a great job with the anchor cut.  I have a new belly button and I can see my pubic area without having to move aside my skin apron.  He figures he removed about 3 lbs of skin/tissue.  I am finding the hardest thing to do is straighten up.  I still tend to hunch over, especially at the shoulders.  Something I have to work on.  The incision (140 staples) looks good and is healing.  Only a few red spots but nothing too bad.  I have not been too swollen as of yet.  I am wearing my binder religiously.

I am very thankful to have had both my surgeries with Dr. Nohr.  He's given me a new lease on life which I am grateful for.

I hope everyone is recovering okay from the recent flooding.


  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

on 6/25/13 2:01 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
I'm so glad it went well and that you're safely home. You do know we all want to see pics, right?

I hope your healing continues to go well,


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 6/25/13 3:37 am
RNY on 10/31/12

wow sounds like quite a ordeal...didn't realize it can play havoc on your kidneys. Well sounds like your on the mend and things

should only get better from here on out.  Glad everything went ok. Thanks for the update.

Take care.



"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; a optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty"- Winston Churchill



on 6/25/13 4:35 am - Canada
Mine was done by Dr Toy in Edmonton, and my kidneys shut down also. I ended up being admitted until I was able to go on my own, which fortunately was the next day. (Panni only is an outpatient procedure here...). First couple days are horrific, but I went to the dinner theatre by day 6 and had a blast! It improves so quickly, so hang in there, you'll love it!
on 6/25/13 8:12 am

Hi there!!  Glad to hear surgery went good and your recovering well.  It took me 3 days to pee too and they had to do it by catheter...ugh,  They were in checking my bladder every 30 min by ultrasound and determined i needed to be "emptied" even tho i didn't feel like i had to go.  Go figure 

I'm almost 6 weeks out from my Panni with Dr. Nohr too and he is an amazing Dr... he has changed my life tremendously. I wish i had kept my binder... i didn't know i would need it and the nurses never told me i could buy it, they just said to remove it before i left. :(   

Congrats again on the "new" you and all the best for a speedy recovery :)


on 6/26/13 5:04 am - Canada
Well.....my panni was May 2013, so I'm well healed :D
Yes I had to do the bladder scanner and the in/out catheter (and was "blessed" by being a student nurses first in/out....ugh).

The scar is not noticeable. You really need that binder for at least 6 weeks, then Dr Toy (plastic surgeon specializing in bariatric reconstructive surgery) advised me to keep paper tape across the incision (alternating the direction it was applied each time, changing tape roughly every three days) for three months to help minimize the scar, help the edges stay flat and clean, and give it additional support while healing.
Just some FYI
on 6/25/13 10:46 am
RNY on 03/18/13

Once again, glad to hear things went well.  Can't wait until I can share a similar story -- because one day, I WILL!   :)

Hope for a speedy recovery for you.



on 6/25/13 10:48 am

So glad to hear that things are going well. I had been thinking of you. You have been very blessed to be able to go through this experience and have this new out come on life.

You deserve it.

All the best.


HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

on 6/27/13 11:33 pm - Canada

Thanks for all the good wishes.  I am continuing to heal though I think I may have a bit of an infection of my incision over my left hipbone.  I have been wearing my binder all the time but I find when I sit it tends to roll up then when I stand I pull it down and so on.  So the binder may be irritating the incision.  My energy level is not doing too badly.  Yesterday I ventured out twice.  Once to my kids school to watch their year end school celebration and then again later out for supper.  So its been not too bad.  I finally did have a bowel movement on day 6 later on in the day.  Whew!  It went well and I didn't have to exert at all.  I had half a sneeze the other day and it just about killed me.  I'd advice refraining from any coughing, sneezing or pushing as much as possible.  It feels like severe burning all over the abdomen.  It hurts!  I have an appointment with my family doctor this afternoon.  I am hoping to be put on an oral antibiotic.  Some of my staples may be ready to come out so I'll make sure to tae some T3's before I go, just in case.  I am a little worried about what's involved to get the staples out.  All in all every day it gets better.  Have a great long weekend everyone!      Giselle

  I'm 5 ft 7.5 inches tall... 
 "The best way to predict your future is to create it."                   
~ Unknown       

on 4/19/14 5:48 am

curious, about the binder, I had my surgery with Dr Nhor on monday and am having similiar recovery as yours.  Dr Nhor when I asked how long i should wear the binder said it din't matter. That he doesn't think it makes a difference other than a personal experience for people feeling "held in" better, which is true. But like you said, can be irritating rolling  up, pulling down... but i have read so many instructions that it is so important to recovery.  We didn't need one after the rny. what did he tell you about wearing it?

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