Anyone out there who did their wls in mexico want to answer a few questions?
Thank you for getting back to me. I am trying to decide if I want to do the procedure before a birthday trip to vegas in April or after. I am not concerned with eating or not eating, but I dont want to be sore or tired for the trip.... But now that I have decided to do this I also just want to get going...
Well everyone heals differently, but I can tell you that I was back to my regular day to day schedule within a week of surgery. I was back to the gym with my trainer on a very modified program in 3 weeks. You would want to make sure you've given yourself adequate time to adjust to your diet before going on a trip. For me, this would have been about 5-6 weeks before I would want to go away. Hope this helps.
Depending on your job you might find a week off plenty. I could have managed a relaxed desk job at about a week out. My sis runs the small medical clinic in her (tiny) town and was glad she took 2 weeks off.
As I said in the other forum, I'd be happy to meet for coffee.
I booked my surgery June 2nd and had my surgery on the 26th. Amazing service, excellent care, and other than some constipation issues really no downside. (Other than the cost of smaller clothes and shoes...)
Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180
Hey anybody in Fort Mac?
Regards Malcolm
I'm in Edmonton - do the 2 of you ever come down here? If so I'm sure we could find a time that you, your wife, my husband and I could get together for coffee and talk.
Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180
I might want to do that with my Husband, he really wants to support me, but is very skeptical of WLS surgery and thinks it will be a waste of money and I still wont be happy with my body. I was so happy he was open to it, money and all, but it was hard to talk to him about how my physical body does not match my inner self and how much I need it to. I am not thinking this is some miracle or easy way out. I am ready to do any work involved, I would just like to have my body working with me for a change and not against me.
Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180
I just found out that I might be able to go in MARCH!!! This was way earlier than I expected... but something I need to consider. Otherwise it is looking like June.... Part of me just wants to go and do it, and start the new lifestyle. just going on my trip in april and so forth after surgery and make it work... another part says wait until June, when there are not trips ahead start then.
Any suggestions????