Pre Surgery Calgary Date booked, support needed

on 8/11/12 8:06 am - Canada
VSG on 09/21/12
Hi Donna, 

I'm so relieved to see some woman in the city on here! I did read a lot of info last night on the sleeve and I am waiting to hear back from a dr.  I think I definently need to hear what they have to say and then make a  decision.  I had always thought lapband because it seemed so "safe" and after watching my sister in law (who did a gastric bypass) I had always cringed. She did not have a great outcome, 50% due to user error and not being comitted, but it really discouraged me. 

Now I've done more and more reading and hearing from people here that they had their bands removed has made me seriously rethink everything.  I want to feel good, I'm not worried about the speed the weight comes off, never been my main goal. I need to stop hurting.  I have had 2 major surgieries in the last 5 years due to weight complications and I just want to be 34 and be able to keep up with my kids who are now teenagers and honestly.... I know that while they love me, it must be emberassing.  (Certianly is for me) 

Donna I will message you with my info, I would love to stay in touch!
on 8/11/12 8:09 am - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Will be waiting!!



Leaky sleeve survivor!!! 2008/2009 ~ 5'7"~ 42F Bougie

on 8/11/12 8:37 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
I had the sleeve done in Mexicali by Dr Aceves 6 weeks ago and it's absolutely the best thing I've ever done for myself! I feel absolutely normal other than needing to take small bites, chew well and not put too much on my plate because I get full so fast.

I'm not the poster child for fast weight loss, but I'm down 29# since the start of my preop diet, 22# since surgery and am off my pain and blood pressure meds. (can I hear an amen!)

I spent over 3 years reading on the various boards here and as far as I'm concerned the sleeve was the perfect choice for me. No major malabsorption issues, no rerouting of my innards, no forein objects in my body, no being tied to a clinic or particular doctor for life for fills and unfills.

Being "reversible" sounds good until you really think about it. Reversing a band = another surgery and regaining the weight. Morbid obesity is a chronic disease, which means that if you stop the treatment the disease (weight) WILL come back!

I've been severely obese for 35 years and wanted/needed a permanent solution - a way to eat much smaller portions and feel satisfied for a normal amount of time. The sleeve does exactly that, without limiting medications I may need in the future or keeping me from having a bite or 2 of a grandchild's birthday cake.

I think you need to have an idea of WHY you're obese in order to choose the best surgery for yourself. For me it was a combination of a huge, constant appetite, no "full" and emotional/stress eating that sure wasn't helped by being a bottomless pit. My sleeve pretty much got rid of the appetite, "full" is about 1/2 cup of food and will slowly increase to 1-1.5 cups, and quite honestly, stress eating doesn't work when you're only able to eat that small amount. Lol


Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



on 8/11/12 10:48 am - Canada
VSG on 09/21/12
Okay update!!

I have sat and spoke with a nurse who had the lap band done, and then had it removed. She was so good in telling me everything shes been through and how much more comfortable she is with the Sleeve.  I am so relieved that you are all on here! I have been able to talk to a few woman and hear their experiences and the amount I've been able to research (didn't just want to go off of statistics that Dr's have posted online) but with real people who have done these procedures. 

I have cancelled my lapband procedure, and I actually feel AMAZING with this choice. I will be having my Sleeve done on the 21st of September and I will keep everyone posted!!

Thank you Thank You!!!

on 8/11/12 7:35 pm - Canada
DS on 08/11/12
 Hi Heather,

I am out of surgery and doing great. Been four a couple of walks already.  

Dr. Acevesvwas amazing. I have seen two doctors already since my surges and they are  coming back again tonight. Dr. Aceves said that surgery took a bit longer because while he was in there he cleaned  out some scar tissue from band and c-sections. No extra cost.

Please check into Aceves. I can personally vouch. You fly in to San diego then he drive you across border o hospital. They take care of everything.

Talk to you soon,
HW: 365, SW (August 11, 2012): 351
on 8/11/12 8:40 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/21/12
 Hi. So glad to hear from you! I was thinking lots about you and was hoping you would write! 
I have a surgeon lined up for the sleeve and I'm feeling so good about everything.  

Wow how great is that the Dr did all that extra tlc for you!  I am thrilled your up and moving, that's always the hardest part.  I had a hysterectomy that ended up an incision that went from hip to hip instead of the planned 2 inches, had the hardest time getting upright.  As soon as your home if you need anything at all please let me know I'd be glad to help! I can bring clear beverages lol

I am going to try to get a group going for us deep south girls! I was thinking I would just invite everyone to my place for a casual hang out.  In the mean time you can vent to me if you need too or if your just restless.

Ill tell you a little about me, I'm 33 (34 in oct) I'm born and raised in Calgary. I have 2 children my daughter is 13 and my son is 11.  I have been with my common law sweetheart Paul for 5 yrs, he has a little girl age 9.  I run a dayhome, I have now for 10 years.  I'm 5'5 currently 280 lbs and hoping to drop a 130 lbs.  I haven't worked out in years but will def want to change that as soon as I'm ready after surgery.  If you want a work out partner I can travel! 

Sending you hugs and lots of positive thoughts! When will you be back in Calgary?   Have a safe recovery!!!!  

on 8/11/12 9:47 pm - Calgary, Canada
RNY on 03/20/13
 Hi everyone... sounds like everyone is from Calgary on here.  I have been looking for people who have had the surgery to connect with.  Would love to hear your stories.

I am part of the weight wise clinic in Edmonton.  I have an appt with the surgeon on August 30th... so excited hope to get a surgery date soon.  I am hoping to have the sleeve done, I have heard many great things about it.  

I love reading all the comments on here, makes me realize that there are many people out there who have felt the same way I have for years.  

Would love to connect with anyone who is interested in sharing their journey.  As I said I live in Calgary, in the North West but would love to join a group to have the extra support.  The journey to losing weight has been hard but so worth it.  

on 8/11/12 9:53 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/21/12
 Hi Mother


So nice to meet another Calgary girl!  
I also have not had my surgery yet, I'm booked for Sept 21 in Mexico! 
If you need anything at all don't hesitate to write! I felt so alone until I found this great group! 
on 8/12/12 8:20 pm - Calgary, Canada
RNY on 03/20/13
 Hi Heather

How exciting for you.  Can I ask what surgery you are having done?  Your date is getting closer, you must be so excited.  

I have been overweight my whole life, the last few years have done some damage too my body so having surgery to get rid of some of this weight will be a good thing.  

I can see from reading the posts on this site that lots of people go to or have gone to Mexico to have their surgery done.  Is it a faster process to have it done in Mexico?  Do you get the education on the surgery when you have it done in Mexico?  I personally find that I have received so much support from the clinic in Edmonton that I am very confident with my decision to go through with the surgery.

If you or anyone knows of a group that meets in Calgary for support I would love to join.  

Thanks for the support... I would love to hear about your journey.
on 8/12/12 9:01 pm - Canada
VSG on 09/21/12
 By the way my names Heather :) nice to meet you!
I am having a sleeve done,  no I didn't get much for education,  however I have been researching for a long time, I ask lots of questions and of course my sister in law had a gastric bypass surgery a few years ago.  I'm feeling confident,  mostly happy to have so many people willing to tell the good the bad of their procedures. 

As for timeline for surgery It seems most places can take you as soon as 2-3 weeks after booking.  I held off for later date with my kids heading back to school and such figured I'd get them settled in first. I also have to do a 2 week pre diet ( liver) if you want or need someone to talk to I'm here and would gladly chat/email or meet up! 

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