plastics not cheap

on 7/19/12 10:56 pm - Canada
well i got my quote from dr toy who seems like a wonderful surgeon who knows what hes doing but he does charge accoundingly. to do my lower and upper stomach, lift my breasts and take the extra skill off my legs, wow it would cost me over $17,000  I hate to say it, but i am so not worth spending that much money on my vanity. i could put a downpayment on a home for that amount of money. i will say though, i think i will book for my stomach and to have my breasts lifted. that will only set me back $11,500 my husband is so against it, but way too much hanging in that area. i am very curious to find out how many inches i can expect to lose off my middle. would like to hear some comments from anyone who has been there and done that.  thanks for listening to my rant
on 7/20/12 12:35 am - Canada

It is so worth it!  You are worth it!

Please take my word on it.  You've come such a long way and you will be sooooooo much happier once it's done.  You will be amazed at how well your clothing fits, you will have much more confidence and it makes your journey to get here so much more barable.  It has nothing to do with being vain, it is a health concern to have overhanging skin and also take into account the way you feel about yourself (your mental health is just as important as your physical health).

Dr. Toy is amazing, he took off 13 lbs of skin and 2.5 lbs of fat through lipo.  I went from a size 14 to a 10 and after almost a year I still have a small waist.  My only regret is that I didn't do my thighs at the same time, so now I have a tiny waist and large thighs (it's impossible to find jeans that fit correctly!).  Dr. Toy doesn't like to do the thighs outside of a hospital setting so if you have a lot of extra skin there, then I would do it while he does your stomach (the only way to do a surgery in a hospital is to have AHC cover at least part of it and they will only cover your stomach surgery, it's complicated).  I'm still trying to find a way to get my thighs done by him.

I know you said your husband is against it, did he tell you why?  Is he worried that you may leave once you feel better about yourself?  My husband was so happy and excited for me when I had my surgery.  He loves it to this day and doesn't hide the fact that he loves to touch my flat belly.  It's helped us in many many ways.

You really need to look deep into yourself and do what is best for you, what would make you feel better?  It seems selfish in a way, but it's not, it will make you feel better about yourself which in turn makes you happier and it makes everyone around you happier.  It's a win/win if you ask me.

Sorry for the long post.  Feel free to pm me if you want more info on my surgery etc.



FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

on 7/20/12 5:09 am - cardston, Canada
Well worth the dollars spent...I had a very necessary tummy tuck done 20 years ago.  I was a single mum on welfare at the time, but did the beg, borrow, steal thing and practically mortgaged my soul to find the cash......sometimes, as was my case, it's not always a vanity thing, it's a real necessity...I would definitely have the tummy done if it is a real problem, but a really good bra  is cheaper than surgery....
on 7/20/12 9:27 am - Gibbons, Canada
 Is there Nothing that as a Canadian, you can do to get it covered by Health Care?
Show that it is necessary to have this plastic surgery done so that has an impact on daily life making it very important to have it done.
Self Image
Extra skin is the cause of pain in back, for example...
Just questions....  
on 7/23/12 12:15 am - Canada
Portions of this are covered by AHC.  The removal of the pannis (Panniculectomy) is covered as long as it's deemed medically necessary.  Anything above the belly button, however, is not covered.


FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

on 7/23/12 10:49 pm - Canada
thanks coopermom, kinda leaning to going to full distance, but wow $17,500  don't see it happening in the next couple of months but my legs are the worst. l lost 12 inches of each so you can imagine how much they resemble elephant way anything else would help. i going to go into to see dr toy and maybe have a breast reduction instead, i'm sure i can afford to go down a little bit up there.  what i am really curious about is, how many inches did he take off your waist. we seem to have stats that are not too far did do much better........i really would like my waist to lose at least 3 inches.  thanks for being there with your information and experience
on 7/23/12 10:51 pm - Canada
another thing i was going to ask and was curious if it is covered....the skin that hangs under my ass. i have about 3 folds of skin.......don't think a doctor would find this too healthy,,,,,,anybody know if that is covered
on 7/23/12 11:57 pm - Canada

Way more than 3 inches.  I didn't measure before hand but I had a huge amount of hanging skin and now I don't.  It's quite amazing the transformation I went through.

I hear ya about the cost, I got a loan from the bank and still paying it off.  It was well worth it, though, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Regarding your question about your butt, that will not be covered and I believe it would be a separate surgery.  I don't think he'll do the abdominoplasty in addition to a butt lift as well as your thighs and breasts, it's just too much at once.


FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

on 8/18/12 8:39 am - Winnipeg, Canada
Hi Jill,

I was hoping you can help me out with regards to Dr. Toy.  I had my gastric sleeve surgery in May of 2011 and have lost 75 lbs and have had a referral to Dr Toy sent about 5 months ago.  Do you know how long it takes to hear about a consult appointment?

I am glad to hear that you are doing great and very happy with the results.  I need the Pan and need to disucss arms and breasts (possible ) costs.  Have you yourself heard what the costs can range from?  I would get all at one time as to eliminate having to go under twice or three times and because of the where I live which is about 9 hrs north of Edmonton.

Any help or guidance you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

on 8/20/12 1:48 pm - Canada


I can't help you with the wait times because I got in to see him within 2 months of my referral and had my surgery within 2 months after I saw him.  I know after I got to see him he wasn't taking referrals for a while because he was too busy.  I guess the only thing you can do is call the office and ask?

A friend of mine had her panni and thighs done, I can't remember if she got her breasts done at the same time, I'd have to ask her and I believe she paid something like $10,000.  As for my costs, I got my abdominoplasty, monsplasty, muscle repair and lipo and I paid $6500 plus tax.  If you want to get your thighs done, I'd recommend getting them done at the same time as the panni because Dr. Toy wont do thighs outside of a hospital setting.  He can only do surgery in the hospital if a portion of it is being covered by AHC and they only cover panni's and breast reductions.  I believe any other surgery he can do at his office but you'll end up paying for the anesthesiologist, room fees, nurses etc etc... you also wont have overnight care, it'll just be day surgery.

I wish I would have gotten my thighs done at the same time as my abdominoplasty, I have a flat belly and huge (in comparison) thighs.  It makes finding clothes really difficult.  Oh well, nothing I can do about it now, although I do try to tell people that if they want their thighs done to be sure to say something when you meet with him.

Best of luck, feel free to pm me with any other questions.



FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

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