Hard Road To Recovery Please Help
So is Dr. Nohr your surgeon? I ate pork roast the first time around 3 months out. It was cooked in a crockpot, so it was quite moist. I was in a hurry to get to an evening meeting and I wasn't paying attention to my chewing. I do fine with pork now, I just need to chew it well. I have eaten bacon as well, but I don't do it often just because of how greasy it can be. I eat ham with no problems too. I started eating two solids around 2.5 months. Just be careful that you have tried them individually first. When it comes to refined carbs, I have to really watch them. They are a slippery slope for me and I want to lose the most amount of weight I can this first year because I know it becomes harder. I am not going to say I have never eaten a french fry since surgery but very rarely and maybe only 2-3. I can honestly say I haven't eaten perogies (and I love them)since before my surgery. Again, I am very careful with refined carbs and find I get enough good carbs through other foods that are healthier choices. I do not eat bread, any kind of pasta, crackers/chips, baking etc... I have cheated yes, but I do not make it a habit. Just because I can stomach carbs doesn't mean I should eat them. I start with protein and if I have room I add veggies and fruit. I'll have cheese, nuts, yogurt, sf pudding/applesauce/jello and sf popcicles for snacks. Or a good protein bar. Watch your sugar, and fat intake always and look out for the carbs. Right now your prime goal should be to train yourself to eat healthier and make good food choices. It's not always going to be this easy.
Hi Giselle yeah Dr Nohr did my surgery and he is the most respectful Dr I have ever met, he treated me really well and my husband, Dr Nohr even called my husband personally when I was out of surgery and told him I made it through with flying colors so my husband appreciated that. I am making sure I check eveything on the lil nutrient facts they have on food. I really watch the calorie intake of everything not just protien i make sure it is good for me. I think I will try perogies this evening without the skin I will just eat the inside and I wil boil them since I love the chedder and potatoes. One thing at a time on a daily basis. I do however eat snap sweet peas not the skin just the lil peas and my stomach does really well with them. So other than that you gave me alot of good feedback that I so desperately needed and I know I made a friend even though we never met...Thank You for helping me....cheers
You will do great. Sounds like you are already tolerating things well. It's a learning process for all of us. There's a reason why some call their new pouches 'alien baby'. It truly is a tempermental little thing. Enjoy your perogies. I'm off camping this weekend so I am thinking that normal camping food will be an issue for me. Oh well ...baby steps. I've packed my yogurt, cheese, nuts and meat along with raw veggies and some fruit. I should be good to go. I have the willpower.......I think. :-)
Hi Giselle no I haven't even seen a dietician yet I only seen the ones in Medicine Hat the day I was leaving, becaause I live near Fort Saskatchewan I couldn't see then. When I came back I had a health nurse who worked with me before surgery but has quit her job since before my surgery so now I have to start the process all over again I see a new nurse on Thursday and then how long to see a dietician who knows everything has just been a battle I tell you. Well have yourself a really beautiful weekend camping and I will talk to you when you come back have a nice weekend...

you can contact the health link and ask what it needs to get into a dietician. your family doctor may be able to refer you or if you contact the weight wise program they maybe able to get you on the right path. I also live in Fort Saskatchewan and will be having my revision surgery July 24th. AS part of the revision clinic they have a dietician that I see. i hope this helps...
Giselle, I was going to ask you have you suffered constipation problems 1 month out of post-op? You see I am trying to figure something oiut I suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome and it takes me exactlt 1 week before I can have a bowel movement sometimes I have to use pills to help my stomach feel good have you ever suffered this kind of problem....Thanks