Hard Road To Recovery Please Help
Hi all, I am so happy to be on here and I hope to get some feedback. I have had my gastric By-pass surgery May 07/2012. Well I can say I wasn't ready for it mentally, I am having a hard time dealing with the challenges it brings. I have had a major UTI infection since May 27th and I am on strong antibiotics still today has anyone else experienced infections not long after surgery? The hardest part about this is not being able to eat the food I love, but I have noticed that food doesn't taste the saame after my surgery has anyone else experienced this too? I quite smoking one month before surgery but find I am craving my cigarettes again. I am going through this weight-loss on my own as my husband works away from home and the kids are all out of the house so it's just me and my pets. I have a hard time finding a dietician and people to talk to about this kind of surgery. I hate feeling like this some depression has set in but I lost a total of 38lbs since then which is good since i have so much medical prolems. I want to smoke again just to do something. I hope to meet alot of people on here so for now I won't write to much...lol..hope to hear some feedback...Thank You Lisa
Hang in there! This surgery isn't easy on the emotions. I found my cravings went away for about a year, so I thought I was on easy street, well let me tell you when they returned...which I somehow thought they never would..they hit me like a ton of bricks
I gained weight and I was miserable. I have been up and down emotionally. But, I wouldn't change a thing
it isn't always easier but I am better equipped to handle it. I am a big fan of counseling if you can get if not read all you can here and everywhere. Family or no family support, it doesn't matter because it's your thoughts that have to change to be successful and you can be successful and happy! Food taste does come back - sometimes I wi**** hadn't. I had a couple nasty infections early on but nothing for a while, not even a head cold. I am healthier. You may need to find things to keep yourself busy and away from the fridge. My dog saved me, I walked him a million times a day, every time I wanted to comfort myself with food out came his leash, we didn't go far, just enough to distract me. I still have a long way to go, but for about three months I was really depressed about things and couldn't deal with issues that likely came forward because I couldn't rely on food to suppress my issues, but I am back on track and as excited as I was when I was first starting. We are here for you! Join in, write your story, cry, laugh, whatever you need to do, you will find support, and the occasional kick in the pants, either here or on the other boards.

Well ThankYou for replying to my post yeah it's a hard thing I know I am strong enough to get through it but sometimes I just need someone to talk to. I am not going to smoke i pulled out my inhaler and puffed on that cause i don't want to end up with an ulcer. Now that I found this site I will visit it daily just to read peoples stories cause that makes me feel better. I started at 277 lbs and as of today I weight 237 lbs so that makes it 40 lbs in 6 1/2 weeks of weight loss I play alot of games on the computer when i get home from work to keep me busy. I have a lil farm I take care of while husband is away which keeps me active, but once I am better I will start walking to help me get more exercise. Did you find when you were 6 weeks post-op that you felt there was something always in your throut? Docotr says it's from when the tubes where in my mouth during operation. I had open surgery couldn\t get lap cause I have to much scar tissue from previous surgeries. I suffer from high blood pressure, fybromialgia, artritis, degenerative disc disease, irritable bowel syndrome, that's why I has the surgery was so sick all the time. I am hoping this surgery will help eleviate the pain some, but in the last three weeks before surgery I found out I shrunk 2 1/2 inches in three weeks which I was so surprised I was like how does a person shrink I went from 5'6 to 5'3 hmm figure that one out...lol...But i look forward to speaking again...Thank You your words sure helped me
I had those feeling early on too. Sort of depressed that I couldn't eat what I liked and what I did eat did not taste as good as I remembered. The mind is a powerful thing. Try to keep busy and always remember why you had this surgery...to become healthier. I can only imagine that battling another addiction like smoking makes it even harder. Try to keep busy. It will get better. Don't sabatoge your goals by eating the wrong things. Take joy in your pets. I know they can't talk but they sure can comfort you. I check into this site multiple times a day. You will find that others have similar issues and you will also find some great ideas as well to help you along. You aren't alone in this. Take care...
Thanks Giselle I appreciate the feedback, yeah I think my day today is gonna consist of garage sales just to get out of the house. Yeah mt addiction to smoking will be better I have not smoked since April and I am doing good I won't smoke I know that I don't need another complication like an ulcer so I will do what I have too to stay strong. Yeah I love my pets I have 4 cats, 2 dogs 3 horses, and sheep. They are all spoiled greatly I am glad I have them they keep me company sometime I wonder if they think this crazy woman is talking again...lol....Is it normal to be scraed to eat other things like more solids? I am on just a wee bit of solid stuff mostly chicken for solids and fish but I eat mostly soup just cause I am scared to eat anything else. I think its just the fear of it getting stuck or my stomach not being able to tolerate it. I need to see a dietician cause I can't figure out how to count my protien I look at labels know never have before but I make aa lot of homemade soup and can't figure out protien wise this is confusing when I have no help to figure it out....
I order them from Amazon.ca. They are called Bariatric Advantage Cacium Citrate Chews. I don't mind the raspberry and lemon flavours. I also have the chococlate on order. They are not cheap at close to $14.00 for a bag of 60. So I only treat myself once a day. Otherwise I use the regular chalky chewables (Quest). I find when I put in a multiple order the shipping cost isn't too bad at around $9.00. Last time I ordered 3 bags and the total was $51.00. Here's the website.
http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Da ps&field-keywords=bariatric+advantage
http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Da ps&field-keywords=bariatric+advantage
Of course you are going to be nervous putting new foods in your mouth. I know I was. I just made sure that I tried one new food at a time to see if I could tolerate it okay and also to chew it to a paste. If you chew, chew, chew, nothing will get stuck. I have been fairly lucky that I can tolerate most anything now. Every few months something doesn't sit well and I get crampy. It's been hard to narrow it down to the problem food because it never seems to be the same one. About three months out was my only instance of food getting stuck. It was a moist peice of pork that I obviously didn't chew well enough. I experienced the wave pain and the foamies. Only after throwing up did I feel better. Not an experience I want to repeat!
As for measuring protein...a good tool is myfitnesspal.com. There is an app that is awesome to track your food intake. It should help you with protein counts. It's giving it your best guess when it comes couting whats in your meals. Just make sure your primarily getting protein in before the veggies fruit etc. Just in my protein drink I have every morning is 30g of protein. Milk, cheese and yogurt make up alot of my other protein. You will do fine...and don't forget to drink lots inbetween!
As for measuring protein...a good tool is myfitnesspal.com. There is an app that is awesome to track your food intake. It should help you with protein counts. It's giving it your best guess when it comes couting whats in your meals. Just make sure your primarily getting protein in before the veggies fruit etc. Just in my protein drink I have every morning is 30g of protein. Milk, cheese and yogurt make up alot of my other protein. You will do fine...and don't forget to drink lots inbetween!
Giselle I have a question how soon did you start to eat pork and what kind of pork after surgery? I wish I had a dietician because I live near Fort Saskatchewan it's not so easy to talk to Dr Nohr or there dietician very hard to get ahold of cause Dr Nohr is so busy but he is a great doctor. When did you start eating more then 2 solids together? I tried that it doesn't bother my stomach, oh what I want to know is french fries can I eat them yet if I bake them in the oven or perogies? Stuff like that I have been wondering boy I sure need that dietician to help me along the way...But thanks for helping me I sapreciate it so much....cheers