Wait Lists and Surgeons
I am 37 years old, have two kids with no more planned. I have PCOS and have a history of miscarriages and my two kids are here by the grace of God and fertility drugs! It was a long road, but we made it!
I have struggled with my weight my whole life. First being put on appetite suppressants by my Dr at the age of 10...to having my parents put me on WW by the age of 12. Its been an uphill battle ever since with only having one year, my senior year in highschool being at a weight and state of mind where I felt good and "normal" in my own body. Since then...although its been an uphill battle...things have gone downhill since with my weight! My highest was 305 and I am currently sitting at around 285. I've been told that I "wear my weight well"...ugh! Whatever the heck that means!
Anyhow...I'm very interested in taking the leap into weightloss surgery. I know that it is not for everyone and that it too can be a hard road...but I'm finally at the stage in my life that I am ready to take the leap. Enough is enough...its time to start taking things seriously and its time to stop being the biggest person in the room...someone else can take that job from me!
I live in northern Alberta...Edmonton is the closest "big" city...about four hours away. I was wondering what surgeon's there are in that city, and if anyone knows approximately how long the wait lists are for this type of surgery. Any info would be greatly appreciated by myself! Thanks!
You should look at the Weight Wise Program in Edmonton (just Google it)
In Edmonton you have to go through the program to be considered for surgery.
The first step is to see your family doctor and get a referral into the program.
Once your doctor has sent in your referral there are a set of 10 or 11 classes you have to take, these classes prepare you for what you will need to do when getting ready for the clinic. They go over nutrition, weight management, exercise and mental preparation. If memory serves me correctly you need to take 8 out of the 10 classes and there are now 3 multi day classes that you must take.
While you are taking the classes you are put on the wait list for the clinic.
Once you get to the clinic, you meet with your team of Doctors, Nurses, Nutritionists and councilors. There are guidelines and goals you will have to meet with them, such as losing 10% of your body weight before surgery, food journaling, wearing a pedometer and tracking how much you walk or exercise.
From the time you have your referral sent in it can be about 6 months before you get to the clinic (it used to be over a year!) but the time gives you a chance to take the classes and start the weight loss process. I was referred in Oct of 2011 and now I am just waiting for my surgery date. The closer you follow the clinic guidelines and the harder you work the faster it will go.
You need to be your own advocate so you must be sure what you want and work to get it.
The Edmonton program is the highest volume program in Alberta and sets you up for success after the surgery with follow up classes and clinic visits.
I wish you the best of luck, be sure to check out the Weight Wise Edmonton web site, and even download the referral for and take it with you to your doctor.
SeanYour first step is to get a referal from your family doctor to the weight wise clinic. If you have any questions i would love to try and help please feel free to email me.
Good Luck
Thanks for the info...I have a Dr's appt. in two weeks so I'll be talking with her then about my ideas on all of this. I live in PR...if you live in Northern AB you may know where that is :) Not sure if going to Edmonton for meetings is what I want to do...I have kids at home, a husband, pets...and a job...but who knows, I will definitely look into it. How often do you go there for meetings? I need to do some more research.
I would rather do the gastric sleeve. Call me crazy...but I don't want to get too thin...I don't ever remember being under 165lbs and honestly I would be totally happy at 180-200lbs. I'm 5'7"...so not too short, not too tall. I don't know...just knowing that I could "thin" would be a huge gift for me!
I may just send you an email once I get a few more things figured out. I am looking into Weight Loss Forever based out of Stoon. I know it'll cost $$$, but I don't know if I want to wait a year or two to get this done...I'm a bit impatient ;) I know there is so much to know...and my friend who had it done is a great resource as well. Its won't be a snap of the fingers decision either.
Anyways thanks for replying! :)
yes i do know where it is but have never been. I live in Fort McMurray. I have only made 4 trips to edmonton which i dont think is too too bad. With only one more left and then surgery. Some of the things that have to be done I was able to do locally which was a big plus for me. The trips to edmonton get costly after couple. Luckly they are very considerate of people travelling from out of town and group lots of appointments together to make it easier for you.
My appointmetns were usually 6 weeks apart. I am happy to answer any questions i can :) The things that you have to do in order to get the surgery are really really helpfull. i was also impatient but believe me they make you do this stuff for a reason. You learn lots or at least i did they are just making sure you are prepared and ready for this drastic life style change.
Also as far as i am aware you also get one surgery on your stomach that is covered as well after you have lost the weight.
Take care and good luck with your research

Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180