on 2/13/12 7:06 am - Canada
What is the hold up???...ive done everything that they have asked of me.I attended my first modual 2 years ago,,,ive done all the tests,seen every professional they have ask me to see (and thats been alot)..Journaling,lost weight made and went to every appointment with the dietcian and nurse.....and still no appointment with a surgeon...i am about ready to say "forget this"...The clinic in Edmonton hasnt even mentioned when and IF im getting a appointment...AM I WASTING MY TIME with this?Has anyone else had to wait so long..?
on 2/13/12 10:18 am - Canada
I started the "Journey" March  of '09.... Just had my surgery Nov. of '11. ou must be getting close. Keep going, it would  be a shame to stop now...... 
on 2/13/12 10:41 am - Canada
You are responsible for being your own advocate to get through the clinic. I had to ask for the surgeon appointment- if you think you are ready for surgery and have done everything you have been asked, ask your nurse when you can see the surgeon.

The clinic has changed since I first started, but I did module one in September 2009, I had my first clinic appointment on April 26, 2010 and I had surgery on May 18, 2011. I knew from day one that I was in the clinic for surgery and I made sure my team knew that was my goal.

If you are not communicating with your team and pushing for next steps, they won't push you through any more quickly.

"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anais Nin      
Highest Weight: 242 lbs 1st Clinic visit: 236.8lbs
Weight at Surgery: 193.1 Surgery Date: May 18, 2011 Current Weight: 134.4 lbs

Dreena G.
on 2/13/12 12:37 pm - Canada
Absolutely you have to ask about the next step and say you're interested in setting up the appt with the surgeon.

They need to hear from you where YOU think you're at and what your would like your plans to be, or they will try to carry you along with diet and behaviour modification if you are having good success with it.
on 2/13/12 11:00 pm - Canada
Yep they knew from the beginning...i actually seen a surgeon 6 months ago and we just reciprocated questions.I just dont understand ,i have mentioned again that i would like to move forth with this...  :0( ...i guess im just getting discouraged.
on 2/17/12 5:32 am, edited 2/17/12 5:33 am - Canada
 I had your same fustrations, the clinic just kept going in around and around.  Ask pointed questions " when will i get a surgery date"  " Am i on the OR slate" ect.  sometimes going around the clinic works!!  
on 2/19/12 2:41 am - Canada
UPDATE:::First of all thank you for your responses guys...Secondly i seen the dietitian on Feb 16th and she said she believed i was ready and good to go.She looked at the schedule and she said i could see the internist and the surgeon the very next day....I was thrilled....Once i spoke with him he aid expect the pre two week call within the next few weeks...YYYYYYYEEEEAAAAHHHHH!!! I signed on the dotted line and am just waiting for THEE call..
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