pre-op liquid diet
Hi there Ladies,
There are two reasons that you're on a pre-op liquid diet.
- One to shrink the liver so they can work around it a little easier when they do the Lap surgery.
- Two - to keep the stomach and intestines as empty as possible for the upcoming sugery.
Remember, Either surgery that you're having done is Major Surgery. It's best to prepare the body as much as possible prior to the major event.
You will have at least two additional weeks after the surgery for a liquid diet as well. That's the hard part.
By the second week after sugery, you're going to be feeling better and will want something, Anything, different than liquid!!
Not to worry too much about loosing the extra weight prior to surgery. Just DON'T gain any. Your liver will still shrink a little and your stomach and intestines will remain as empty as possible. So it's all good!!!
After surgery, don't panic about getting all of your protein in. That will come. Make sure you push the water and fluids... that's what's going to help you. You're going to fee very weak for the first couple of weeks due to the lack of food in your body.
No food = no energy.
By the end of the 3rd week, you're going to be feeling like a million bucks because you will have had some nutrition again... but remember to take it all slow and easy... don't put too much pressure on yourself to hit those fluids and protein goals... they will come with time as you heal.
This is such an AWESOME journey that you're on. Some will have problems and complications, some won't. Take it all as it comes and don't stress the small stuff...
Take it one day at a time, follow the suggestions and rules of your team. Wear a smile each and every day. I'm proof positive that they work!!!! I've lost 220 lbs and am now at goal weight. They just sent off the Plastics referral. Totally unbelievable.
Good Luck with your upcoming sugeries and Enjoy every minute of your journey!!!

There are two reasons that you're on a pre-op liquid diet.
- One to shrink the liver so they can work around it a little easier when they do the Lap surgery.
- Two - to keep the stomach and intestines as empty as possible for the upcoming sugery.
Remember, Either surgery that you're having done is Major Surgery. It's best to prepare the body as much as possible prior to the major event.
You will have at least two additional weeks after the surgery for a liquid diet as well. That's the hard part.
By the second week after sugery, you're going to be feeling better and will want something, Anything, different than liquid!!
Not to worry too much about loosing the extra weight prior to surgery. Just DON'T gain any. Your liver will still shrink a little and your stomach and intestines will remain as empty as possible. So it's all good!!!
After surgery, don't panic about getting all of your protein in. That will come. Make sure you push the water and fluids... that's what's going to help you. You're going to fee very weak for the first couple of weeks due to the lack of food in your body.
No food = no energy.
By the end of the 3rd week, you're going to be feeling like a million bucks because you will have had some nutrition again... but remember to take it all slow and easy... don't put too much pressure on yourself to hit those fluids and protein goals... they will come with time as you heal.
This is such an AWESOME journey that you're on. Some will have problems and complications, some won't. Take it all as it comes and don't stress the small stuff...
Take it one day at a time, follow the suggestions and rules of your team. Wear a smile each and every day. I'm proof positive that they work!!!! I've lost 220 lbs and am now at goal weight. They just sent off the Plastics referral. Totally unbelievable.

Good Luck with your upcoming sugeries and Enjoy every minute of your journey!!!