NSV time
The scale has been kind to me since surgery and although I realize it's not going to sustain this way I can say that I am quite pleased! On the other hand, I was out yesterday with one of my skinny friends (who am I kidding, most of them are skinny) and we were at the Shoe Company. I have always wanted a pair of sexy boots and even when I was younger and in shape I couldn't get them to fit my calves. Well they had one pair of wide calf boots...almost didn't look because I thought what is the chance that they are a size 10? Well they were, and they fit...OMG I have hooker boots...Wore them around the house all evening. Got up this morning and...oh crap, I have nothing to wear with them. So off to the mall we went this afternoon for a skirt. I have always been a tomboy and my husband is loving that I wanted to look for a skirt. Well no luck on the skirt front but I did get two dresses. The exciting part was that I picked the 18's off the "regular" person rack and had to get the 16 because they were too big...HOLY FRIGGIN POOP BALLS....Must admit I am quite the happy camper tonight...even with gas and some belly pain (think I over did it today with my happy dance...lol)
What's your NSV today?
What's your NSV today?
I bought my first pair of to the knee boots a couple weeks ago and always had the same issue... my big fat calves didn't fit into the boots. Now I need to wear something like tights to make them fit properly cause my calves are too skinny and they rub when I walk! AWESOME FEELING. Not the chaff from the leather but having them be too big.
Welcome to the world of NSV and here's to many, many more!
Welcome to the world of NSV and here's to many, many more!
Hooker boots....whooo hoooo. I gotta get me a pair of those. My hubby would love them. Did they have more than one size 10? Which Shoe company did you go to??
I had a great NSV yesterday. Went to the Running Room to get a GPS watch for my workouts and saw a nice jacket and pair of pants.....wholly **** they fit. I have never been able to buy anything off the rack in that place..only fit, skinny women can shop there. I may not be skinny but I am getting fit. Yippeeeeee!!!
I had a great NSV yesterday. Went to the Running Room to get a GPS watch for my workouts and saw a nice jacket and pair of pants.....wholly **** they fit. I have never been able to buy anything off the rack in that place..only fit, skinny women can shop there. I may not be skinny but I am getting fit. Yippeeeeee!!!