
on 8/3/11 1:10 am - Canada
Had an app't with Dr. Birch last Friday. He gave me options. Either Lap Band or VSG. Have a "Deciding" appt on Sept 19th with him. I am really leaning towards the VSG but am nervous about what ? I don't know....I think it's the recovery time. Just wondering how soon you could go back to work, depending on what you do of course. I teach 3hours Mon/Wed/Fri mornings. I can sit. What to you VSG vets think???

D. Hoi
on 8/3/11 7:20 am - Canada
I would take as long as your Dr./employer will give you.  Even when you start feeling good it still takes some time to figure out your fluids and foods and come up with a routine to get it all in.  I know that a lot people go back to work after a couple of weeks but personally I was still very uncomfortable at that time....not to mention tired.  It took 10 days before I could sleep in my bed.....before that I lived in my lazy boy chair.  Each person is different.  You may be ready to go back in 10 days but leave yourself open to take as long as your body needs.  You are lucky that you only work part time so perhaps you could go back earlier than someone who works full time.  Good luck with your decision.

P.S.  Personally, I wouldn't let 'recovery time'  be the deciding factor on which WLS I got.  Think of the long term and use those factors to make your decision. 

 Starting weight  333 lbs       Pre-op Loss - 47.8 lbs  Surgery Weight  285 lbs
Twoderland - 2011APR15   250lbs - 2011AUG10  100lbs lost - 2011SEP29
Onederland - 2012APR04   SuperMorbidlyObese - 2010OCT13 MorbObese-2010DEC11
Obese-2011JUL02  Overweight-2012MAY09     Normal BMI: 2013FEB07

on 8/3/11 12:49 pm - Canada

I agree with Deb, you shouldn't let recovery time make your decision.  I was off of work for 6 weeks and I was just beginning to feel more "normal".  I was still tired at the end of the day after I went back to work and I have a desk job.

You also have to consider the "upkeep" with the band, fills and unfills and how that will affect your schedule.  I live out of town and I didn't want to have to go back and forth to the city until I found my sweet spot.

I chose the VSG because I didn't want to re-arrange my insides and I didn't want to have to keep coming back to the city with the band.

Hope that helps



FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

on 8/3/11 1:58 pm - Canada
I was in a tizzy when I wrote that. I guess I didn't mean specifically the chronological time but really the post op experience. I've read some accounts where it wasn't painful at all and then some said it was very painful? I had a c-section on a Tues. was discharged on the Thurs. and then was at a soccer dome to watch a  game on a Sat. Five day recovery with very little pain and that's a major surgery. So, I guess I'm wondering about the post -op period of pain and how much there is??I feel the same as you Jill in regards to messing up the guts too much and the complications and maintenance routine with the band......How was your post op? Were you off 6 weeks due to "Just" tiredness or was there pain? Everyone has different tolerences and usually I'm a tough cookie.......Thanks for letting me babble!  
on 8/4/11 2:29 am - Canada

I was in quite a bit of pain for the first 2 weeks or so, after that it was no energy and napping all the time.  Keep in mind that you aren't eating much and you are just focused on healing and gaining strength back.  I would get winded walking around the house for the first month or so.  After that I gradually gained back more energy and stamina.  I still found the first week back difficult so I cut it back to half days my 7th week and by the 8th week I was back full time.



FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

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