Share your NSVs! (non scale victories)
Some great changes for me are:
Little to NONE swelling in my legs and feet.
It's almost 30 degrees outside and I'm not sweating my lady parts off and feeling like I'm going to have a heart attack! Last year it would get to 25 and I'd be soaked with sweat and unable to move off the couch! Today I'm wearing jeans and a tshirt and I feel fabulous!
My body moves better, I have no struggles getting dressed, walking and going about my chores. (Motivation I still need to work on!)
I passed a mirror on the weekend and though...oh my, I like the mirrors that make you look skinny..then I realized it was REALLY ME! :)
I sleep better.
I have collar bones!
My dimples are back on my cheeks!
I am almost completely pain free (hip joints and backpain).
No more 'stress-incontinence". Who knew? I just thought it was part of having three it turns out it was more from being 100lbs heavier and my body just couldn't take it!
These are things that are worth the life change for. May I NEVER forget them, May I add more to my list of victories...and may I keep on living in wellness!
Thanks to all of you who have shared your successes, failures, hardships and inspirations of your journey with me!
I shared a lane with a guy who was super pro - he was training for an ultra triathlon.
I tried my best to keep up with him (and keep out of his way!). When I went to leave he stopped to say that I had a great form and was a good pacer for him, and that he was happy to share a lane with me.
This is kind of weird but that compliment meant so much to me - I have rarely ever received any positive notice on how my body performs in a sport or activity.
I felt proud for the power my body had for the first time in soooo long. I don't think he had a clue that how unfit I was only one year ago!
Also I went to a camping weekend with old friends that hadn't seen me in five years. They were super shocked and kept commenting on how "happy" I looked. I do feel more free and happier in my own skin now.

Hi there Everyone,
Dreena - Thank you for reminding us to congradulate ourselves on the 'small' things that make our lives better... sheesh... I never, before, would have said that tieing your own shoes was a 'small' thing... it was HUGE... it's very demoralizing when you have to ask your children to tie your shoes instead of the other way around.... *sigh*
1. I can tie my own shoes now without an issue at all... I even wear runners now... :)
2. I can sit in ANY chair - This was always a terrifying subject. When you go visiting, you never know if the chair will hold you or not... A few years ago, at my heaviest, I was meeting a collegue in an unfamiliar restaurant. I walked in and my heart sank. The chairs were bamboo and had high arms on them. I thought to myself, 'If I ever get into the chair, I'll never get out". But that wasn't my biggest problem that day... After managing to squeeze myself into the chair with as much dignaty as possible, a few minutes later, the chair groaned and collapsed. I hit the floor and wanted to dig a hole to hide...
3. I don't have to wear a seatbelt extender any longer
4. I can find clothing to fit.... I can choose my own style now, instead of wearing whatever I could find that fits
5. I have the energy and the guts to try new things. This weekend I drove a SeaDoo and rode on the Tube. (Never would have had the guts to do this two years ago)
6. It's not a chore to have to walk a block to get to the store you need.... Now I'm walking EVERYWHERE that I can... I love it... !!
7. My mother is jealous over my weight loss.... (I'm smaller than she is now.. *grin*)
8. I can keep up with my teenagers in playing soccer.... (I have to wear spandex or something to keep all the extra skin from 'flying around' when I play sports. It actually hurts when it slaps back down again) Gravity is a ***** *grin* ... but I like it...
9. I can RUN up the stairs.... (I don't think I have ever done that before) I have two sets of stairs in my office building that I have to use to get to my office. They were always the most horrid thing about my job... There are 28 stairs in each set... it took so long for me to get up the stairs in the morning that I refused to go back down until it was time to go home. Now those stairs are my best friends. They have helped me to get fit enough to run up and down them without breathing hard... Everytime I had to go downstairs, I would turn around and drag my huge body back up the stairs and back down again. When it came time to go back up... I would reverse the process... I got twice the excercise!!! It's great!!!
10. Strangers are noticing me now.... They always looked through me or past me.... never really looked at me. At Subway the other night, I actually got HIT on!!! Me??? Not my beautiful daughter... ME!!!!! This guy was actually disappointed that I was married and celebrating our 25th anniversary this summer.... he was such a hottie too!!! LOL...
These are just some of the things that have changed for me. One of the best change is my own attitude towards myself. I'm no longer self-condemning, self-recriminating and hating myself. I laugh a lot more, and really enjoy what life has to offer. That the HUGEST change in my life. I LOVE LIFE AGAIN!!
I hope you all get to enjoy life like I have. I find that I have to restrain myself so many times when I see an overweight person struggling with something. I want to help everyone and share my new knowlege and great feelings and help to change their lives as well... Ya know... happy and wanting to share it... but then I remember when I was that big and someone shared some weight loss tips... I always got very resentful and wouldn't listen... so now I only share info when someone asks.
My life has truly changed completely. I owe it all to the Weight Wise Clinic and all their wonderful staff. But I also owe some of that to myself as well. (pat on the back)
What a passionate and inspiring post! Thank you for sharing all of those things :)
I plan on facing a seatbelt that was too small for me in one of our older trucks...a moment that devastated me (middle seat lap belt) and might cry if I fit! LOL. But I feel I want to face that devil and triumph over it as a non scale measuring tool. One that filled me with shame before. Grr!
Walking, my husband said the other day in the can keep up with me! WOW! (yes I can...and I can go faster tooo). He no longer has to slow down to a crawl because I'm huffing and puffing beside him!
And woo woo, hubba hubba to your number ten! I love it! :)
Thank you for sharing!!