calorie intake @ 2 months out

on 6/21/11 9:49 pm - Canada
well, this was a shock to me. went to see my nutrionist on friday and he told me if i was losing anything more than 2 lbs a week i had to come in and see him. i thought it was nothing to lose over 10 lbs a month from everything i heard, seen and read on this website. has anybody else been told this? i also thought the calorie countent should be about 800 a day. he said i should be up to about 1200 each day with a maximun of 1400.  seeing how so many of us go to the clinic in edmonton, has everybody been told this? i asked...okay if i'm losing 2.5lbs a week you want to see me....he said definately yes. sure think that sucks. guess we have to play by the rules, well we should. please let me know who else has been told this and if they followed it.
Dreena G.
on 6/22/11 1:32 am - Canada
My nutritionist has always wanted to see a slow and steady weightloss as she looks at the 'big picture'.  After the first month or two of 'recovery' phase she really likes to see 0.5 - 2 lbs a week.

This with the understanding also that it depends how HIGH your weight is at surgery, if you are a male, your stature etc.  If you are a big, heavy man...then she says she wouldn't be alarmed at seeing more. 

I think your nutritionist is just being wise and safe and has your best interests in mind.

I'm a slow loser, I'm happy to continue to be a slow loser long as it goes! :)

As far as've never seen or heard of any of the Edmonton nutritionists recommend something as low as 800 calories post surgery .   Yes some of us only get that as we work our way towards re-learning to eat....and it's a work in progress.  

I ate all day long yesterday in a FOCUSED effort to try to meet my protein goals and I barely made it.  (I got 72) and my calories were at about 1200.   So I think that it makes sense that your NUT would be saying you need to get to 1200 (he/she is probably thinking of your BASIC nutritional needs).  

There is nothing wrong with 1200 calories, can you imagine if someone had recommended a 1200 calorie diet before surgery?  Why we would have felt it was starving to death! LOL. 

Listen to your team :)  You don't want to end up deficient in essential vitamins, lose muscle mass or anything! 

Dreena G.
on 6/22/11 1:34 am - Canada
PS.  No I wasn't eating 1200 calories at two months out! 

I think this is just a goal they want you to work towards.   I'm JUST arriving at 5 months out and feel like it was hard work getting to 1200 yesterday (while choosing nutritional foods and meeting protein goals).
D. Hoi
on 6/23/11 7:03 am - Canada
Like you, I thought we were supposed to eat between 600-800 calories a day.  I had my first post-op appointment with my surgeon today so I  thought I would follow-up on your question.  Dr. Davey confirmed what you had been told....I should be eating 1200 calories a day.  On the way out I ran into my NUT (I think we have the same one)  and he too said 1200 to 1400 calories tops. 

I'm 4 weeks post-op and I've been eating around 800 so I guess I have try to eat more.

 Starting weight  333 lbs       Pre-op Loss - 47.8 lbs  Surgery Weight  285 lbs
Twoderland - 2011APR15   250lbs - 2011AUG10  100lbs lost - 2011SEP29
Onederland - 2012APR04   SuperMorbidlyObese - 2010OCT13 MorbObese-2010DEC11
Obese-2011JUL02  Overweight-2012MAY09     Normal BMI: 2013FEB07

on 6/24/11 1:26 am - Canada
i must of read getting 800 calories on the other message board, otherwise don't know where i would have gotten that from. totally true, abosutely nothing wrong with 1200 calories a day and nothing wrong with losing 2 lbs a week. and you are so right, the team at the weight wise clinic has got to be the best in the world, feel so truly and totally blessed!  guess this is one of the main reasons they like to keep in such close contact with us....and yes i did seem to be hungry all the time on my 600 calories a day, so much better now
on 6/27/11 6:35 am

I was at 1200 by then trying to get all protien in, I don't like shakes, I talked to nutritionist and she had said not to be going over that so i cut it back a little and try to stay between 900-1200.  I can eat anything and very easily could go over that with junk food if I allowed myself! :( I'm in for a journey. I tend to get 65-75 grams of protein per day.

on 6/27/11 11:12 am - Canada
I had my RNY 3 months ago.  I have lost 63 pounds to date.  The first 2 months the weight just fell off, much to my liking I must add.  Over the last month it has slowed to a couple of pounds a week.  I am getting in 600 to 800 calories a day.  I dont really count tho,  sometimes it is more and sometimes it is less.
     Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat.  Open RNY March 28 2011.  Start weight 253 current weight 122.       
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