Preferrably for Post-Op Females Only

Adrianna O.
on 5/1/11 10:53 pm - Canada
Hi all you lovely Ladies:

I'm hoping that some of you can help me.  I know that most people will probably read this, post or pre op, male or female and that's fine but this has to do with some personal issues that I'm dealing with and this has to do with me as a post-op but all can comment if you want.

I'm having girl issues!  And not just little girl issues.  HUGE girl issues and I really don't know.  Here is the background on it and hopefully someone can point me a right direction to talk to my doctor about.  I have been given a few medication suggestions and those I'm going to be armed with when I see my doctor on Wednesday.  So anyway, here is my issues...

I had my surgery on July 13.  It took me 3 months to get my period back.  Then they seemed to come pretty regular and not too bad.  I started seeing one of the shrink people from the clinic to deal with some issues that I have been having in regards to my weight-loss.  While seeing Lisa I have been having some really big highs and lows emotionally.  I can be really happy one minute and then severly depressed not even 30 minutes later.  My highs and lows can change from the course of hours and last for days or switch just as quick.  I would rate my lows as sometimes almost suicidal lows but not quite that far yet.  I will shut off my phone and just ignore people for days because I don't know how to deal with things.  So all this has been brought to the Clinic's attention and it was recommended that I see Dr. Stonehawker (however you spell his name) to discuss going on a low dose of something to even out my moods.  Well the wait to see Dr. S is almost 3 months.  His next available as of last Thursday was July 14.  I can't go 2.5 months with my emotions like this...I honestly can't.  So I said screw that and made an appointment to see my family doctor this Wednesday coming up.

But now I'm also wondering if my emotional issues have to do with really bad PMS.  Before surgery, I didn't have women issues.  Very, very little cramping, bleed for 5-7 days, repeat cycle...but I never knew when.  I wasn't "regular".  The past few months, my girl issues have been so severe that I am currently typing with a heating pad on my stomach while at work.  I double up my protection and I bleed through both in less than 2 hours.  I have to sit with a heating pad on my stomach for days.  Last month I laid in my bed every chance I got for 4 days straight with my heating pad on my stomach.  This period seems to be following the same pattern.  I had some extreme emotions last week.  So now I'm wondering if my emotions are a play on my period...I honestly don't know.  I am now looking at going on some Birth Control just to settle my period down a little...BC helps with that right? 

I also am not to sure if I should go on something else to help with my emotions...or will one help the other? Does anyone know?  I know for a fact that I can't handle the emotions much really is that bad. 

Thoughts? Suggestions?  And Private messages work just as well if you don't want to respond on here.  Thanks all.
on 5/1/11 11:41 pm
First I want to say how sorry I am that you are going through this. Secondly I want to congratulate you on being able to come forward and talk about it, that is a hugh step.
We are not all alike but I can tell you since surgery I have bad and I mean really bad pms, I can laugh and cry in the same 5 minutes and I have no control over it. I can watch a t.v show and cry through the whole thing. It's friggin nuts for me but at least I can identify that it is pms.
I would discuss the bleeding issues with your doctor cause if that continues it could pose some iron and hemoglobin problems. That's one of the main reasons that I had to go on birth control a few years back.
I wish you luck at your appointment and I want you to know that I'm here anytime, I'm only an e-mail away.


HW:274  SW:238  CW: 150.0  1St goal: 199.8  2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140

1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary

Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012

You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't.  Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened.  My Surgery was September 21/2010

Adrianna O.
on 5/2/11 1:56 am - Canada
Thanks Kee.  I just don't know what is going on and I really want some answers.  I don't know if my emotions and the monthly issues are related, seperate, or a bit of both.  Someone else mentioned about the iron levels and that.  I will be going to my doctor on Wednesday and talking to him so we'll see.  I really hope for some answers. 
on 5/2/11 2:23 am - Canada
I just wanted to mention that we store estrogen in our fat.  As we lose the fat, the estrogen is released into our bodies and really screws with our emotions and can really screw up cycles as well.

Maybe going on birth control will help to counter act the effects of the estrogen.  If you find the right pill (or shot, whichever) then it should help lighten the flow as well.



FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

on 5/2/11 7:11 am
RNY on 03/15/12
 Could you have your folic acid checked? If you are low on folic acid, it can cause chemical imbalances that can cause depression, mood swings, etc. 
Referral Date- Feb. 3, 2011  1st consultation booked- May 2011
Approved for surgery-Oct 2011
Surgery Date- March 15, 2012

Hw-321 Cw-305.8
on 5/2/11 12:38 pm - Canada
Hey Adrianna,
  I've had some similar issues in the past and eventually the only thing that really turned around the moods and the bleeding was an IUD. I spent months with similar emotional and physical symptoms as you and within 2 weeks of the IUD insertion it was all gone.  I will say that it's been 3 years and I am going to have it replaced before my surgery so that I don't have to worry about it again for another few years.  In talking with my gynocologist he says that as a larger person can 'use' the hormones in an IUD faster than a "normal" person.  What this means is just a change out in 3ish years rather than 5.  He's been great and it made the moods so much better...not to mention the pain.  Hope this helps and if you need more info from my front just let me know.

Referral October 2008 - lost    1st Clinic visit Nov 2010  VSG September 13, 2011  
Weight lost from 1st clinic visit to surgery 100lbs   Goal - 160-180 (I think)
on 5/2/11 1:29 pm
Have you tried talking with your nurse at the clinic? Maybe she could get you in to see a doctor there. Or call the clinic to see if Dr. Stonehocker has had a cancellation. I have heard he sometimes adds extra days. Give the clinic a call.
Adrianna O.
on 5/3/11 1:13 am - Canada
Deanne...what is an IUD?

Squidley...the clinic is fully aware of what is going on. I told my nurse at my last appointment at the beginning of April. She talked to Lisa and it was decided that they were going to wait until my next appointment with Lisa to dicuss everything which was on the 27th. Lisa agreed with me that I may need to go on some meds and I did tell her about my period issues but I haven't gotten this period yet so I didn't know that it was a pattern. Lisa gave me the choice to see my family doctor or Dr. Stonehocker for further discussion. I decided to see Dr. Stonehocker. But due to the increasing long wait, I cancelled that and am seeing my family doctor tomorrow evening. I will sit down with him and discuss everything and get his recommendation. He delivered me so he is very aware of my family and my medical history since he has been my doctor for almost 28 years.

Every situation is affecting me right now, whether it directly has to do with me or not. and it feels like I'm in a very dark place or deep depression or something. I honestly can't go on like this much longer. I have turned my phone off for the past day and will continue to keep it off for the next few days until I feel like I can deal with things but right now I feel like I can't and I don't know how to even start until I figure out what is going on.
on 5/4/11 5:58 am - Canada
Hi Adrianna,
  didn't see your question till now...sorry about that!  An IUD is an Intrauterine Device...if you google mirena you will find out lots about it....small little thing that gets inserted into your cervix that is primarily for birth control but is also used for bleeding and hormone issues (which is my case). 

Hope that helps
Referral October 2008 - lost    1st Clinic visit Nov 2010  VSG September 13, 2011  
Weight lost from 1st clinic visit to surgery 100lbs   Goal - 160-180 (I think)
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