Just getting started questions.
I need a major overhaul in my life. I know WLS is what I have been looking for to get my life back. I have lost lots of weight several times in the past only to regain it all back. I feel that weight loss surgery is my last resort because I have all but given up on trying to lose the weight. I am here mainly for information, friendship and support.
My doc tried to get the ball rolling for WLS a year ago. Paperwork got lost or someones dog ate the referral I don't know. I was re referred a while back and just saw a nutritionist/dietician for the first time two weeks ago. I am supposed to see her once a month.
What are the steps to weight loss surgery and what can I do to get myself through the steps as rapidly as possible?
I am a total newbie on the way the system works. I recall my doc saying six months with a dietician then I would move to the next step. I am not really sure what steps are after that or how long it will take until surgery. What types of WLS are available in Alberta and do I get to choose which one I can get?
I would have done a search for my questions but I couldn't find one.
Well first the program is very different depending on the Dr. you have been sent to. My Dr. only required one meeting with the dietician and does not provide follow up care. I had mine done in Medicine Hat. Some clinics require that you attend classes and some require you loose a certain amount of weight as well as weightloss maintnance before you can have the surgery.
You can have an open RNY, where they make the incision from breast bone to belly button then make a stomic pouch. They can also do this through laperscopy. I had the open as it lessoned my wait time.
I am not sure what other types your Dr. will do. Each Dr. kind of has a particalar preference. Some do a VSG which is where they make your stomic look more tube like and does not re route your intestine as is done in the RNY.
I would first find out where you are being reffered as that will some what limit your options.
Hi Scott,
If you're in Northern Alberta, I think there is only one program/clinic you could be referred to. The Weight Wise Clinic at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Edmonton. (I don't think there are any doctors north of Edmonton doing WLS)
The weight wise clinic is one of the BEST places. They don't automatically send you for WL surgery just because you want it... you have to go through the program, which is personalized to exactly what you will need. They will design the program to you and your issues. They want to create a healthy YOU.... not just a thinner you...
Once you have been referred, they will tell you to do the modules. (Learning classes to help you change your eating patterns and help you discover why you're big). These modules are the first step in changing your life.
Then you will see a nurse, dietician, psych, Occupational therapists, etc. Any health professional you need to see to be a healthier you.
You will be asked to loose at least 10% of your excess body weight before they will schedule you to see the surgeon. All of your health professionals need to agree that you're ready for surgery.
If you are determined to have WL surgery. There are three types that are done in Alberta, VSG or the Sleeve, RNY or Gastric Bypass, or the Lap Band. Do your research on all three types and ask as many questions as you can. There are lots of people here to help with your answers.
That's basically the program overview. It's individualized and customized especially for you.
We'll help you all we can. We all come from a Heavy past and moving to a Healthy future.
Any more info on WW would be appreciated.