Easter Candy

moxy 809
on 4/21/11 5:38 am

Typically I would have eaten at least 4 chocolate bunnies way before Easter.  This year I waited until last night to buy some Easter treats for the kids so that I wouldn’t have all of that chocolate hanging around taunting me.  But knowing that there was chocolate in the house I started craving it.  So I indulged in 4 of those little foil wrapped eggs.  It was actually very satisfying.  I didn’t need to eat the whole mesh bag full of eggs.  Now lets hope that I don’t buy any of that Easter candy that always goes on sale on Easter Monday!


on 4/21/11 5:44 am - Canada
At the Weight Wise modules they always talk about the 80/20 rule, 80% of the time you follow your plan and the other 20% you can indulge as long as it's guilt free and you don't let it become the 60/40 rule or 50/50 rule.  I think you did amazing at stopping at 4 eggs!

I hope you enjoyed them!



FDL Abdominoplasty, Monsplasty, MR, Lipo to Flanks: August 18, 2011

moxy 809
on 4/23/11 5:01 am
I did enjoy them very much.  I think the 80/20 rule is a much better way to indulge a little without feeling like a failure and giving up. 
on 4/21/11 6:03 am

I'm so damn proud of you!!!!!!!!!!

Chocoate was always my biggest problem... even though I had the RNY done in August.... chocolate is still my biggest problem. I don't 'dump' so there are no negative effects of chocolate... so I can only rely on my own will power... *sigh*

Whenever that chocolate craving is the strongest... and I just have to feed it or I would eat everything else... I keep a small bag of those little chocolate eggs in my freezer and when I have to feed the craving, I take out ONE egg and suck on it until it's gone and the craving is satisfied.

The frozen egg is hard to bite so you can only suck on it... and it's sooooo gooooooood... yummmmm... but only ONE for me..

I hope you can stick to your will power on Monday... if you don't buy it.. you won't be tempted...



on 4/21/11 11:56 am - Edmonton, Canada
VSG on 06/26/12
Chocolate isn't a particular trigger for me (maybe because most meal replacement bars have chocolate in) but your idea is purely brilliant! I'll be telling my chocoholic sister.



Highest 303.4, Surgery 263, Current 217.8, Goal 180



moxy 809
on 4/23/11 5:11 am
I really like your idea of putting a few chocolate eggs in the freezer.  I'm going to do that for tomorrow to help stop me from going overboard.  I have an appt at the clinic on Wed so I really dont want to gain any weight over Easter.  Thanks for the tip!

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