I had my surgery on Jan 31st so Im a month in now and Im doing well weight loss wise. Not much seems to bother my pouch food wise and I have no trouble getting my water in every day. The problem is I am amazingly sad ... this surgery was/is something Ive wanted for such a long time and I did so much research. The only thing I didnt really prepare for was how emotional Ive been since having it. Everything I eat makes me a little sick, not throwing up sick but it just kind of turns my stomach. Im not hungry but I eat because I know I have to get my protein in but I get no enjoyment or sense of satisfaction from anything I eat. I keep thinking I should feel different somehow, motivated, recharged, ready to start a new life but all Ive been feeling lately is sad. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Does it pass?
What you're feeling is very common. After a major surgery some depression is normal...
I know the feeling of unsatisfied.... it's hard, but you get over it... it gets much better as things settle down...
As for the 'sick' feeling... my NUT suggested that I 'prime' my digestive system... that means drinking a couple of ounces of something with calories in it about a half hour prior to eating... Guess What??? It worked...
I chose to drink a little milk (extra protein) before I was ready to eat... it worked beautifully...
The Recharged attitude is something that you create for yourself... there's nothing 'Magic' about it... it doesn't just appear..
Pretty soon you'll be feeling on the top of the world and everything will look better. If it doesn't clear up within the next couple of weeks, see your family doctor about the depression... especially if you find it worsening.
As always, we are here to help, call on us if you need us.
I'm so sorry that the previous post sounds so 'prim and proper'. I was distracted while writing it....
I'm sorry that my feelings of compassion didn't come through. Upon re-reading the post it sounds formal and cold... I'm so sorry..
I do feel for you. Once you're feeling better that elusive feeling of Enpowerment and Motivation are created by you. With every little thing that you notice as it changes, your taste, your emotions, your attitude, your clothes, your shoes, your smile becomes brighter and WOW! that feeling of empowerment makes you feel so ALIVE....
Wait for it... it will come... deal with the sadness and the queeziness first... the rest will come...
Yes, I was told the anaesthetic can affect your emotions and also that the body processes a lot of estrogen which is stored in fat cells during the first month or two of weight loss, when we lose so much so quickly.
I had a different surgery than you, but I did feel very blah and low in the beginning. For me it was mainly that there was not much enjoyment in eating - it was just stricting trying to eat for nutritional reasons. Everything I used to enjoy was gross, and even normal things tasted kind of off. The 'party in my mouth' was over.
I had to get used to food not being a source of comfort, social enjoyment etc. etc. for a while. It is easier now, it did get better for me. I now think food works for me - I feel satisfied, don't crave things, feel like what I eat is what I need. It's weird but good I suppose!
If you feel very low tell you dr - maybe your hormone levels are imbalanced or your blood chemistry is off. You never know! I feel much better when I am getting all my vitamins etc.
Hope you feel better soon. This is a tough month for lots of people with weather/ SADD etc.