Can anyone Help Me?
Both procedures are covered by AHC. First of all, if you are having concerns about your health and you don't feel that your dr is addressing them then maybe you should try and find another dr...I know this can be hard with the dr shortages etc. The referral for the surgeries must come from your family doctor. Maybe book an appointment with your family dr and be very direct as to why you are there. I know for myself it was very hard at first to bring up my weight issue and let him know that I was thinking about surgery. However, once I did I felt much better and it went well, we had tried numerous different options therefore he was not surprised when I mentioned surgery. The support I receive from him and his nurse is amazing, they are just excited at every pound and inch as I am!
Hope this helps and good luck to you!
Asking for help is the hardest thing... but it feels so good when you do it...

Go to see your family doctor, ask him/her about the surgery. They are all covered under Alberta Health Care... but remember... it's a tool... not the quick fix that people think it is... it's a tool to help us loose weight and keep it off... IT WORKS if we follow the program.
Good luck to you... You'll be in my prayers.
If you are interested in getting a new family Doctor in Airdrie. Please try the Oasis Medical Centre. The Clinic is in the same parking lot as the Starbucks just west of the Superstore. It is a new clinic so they may be accepting new patients. My Dr is there and he is great. I would recommend getting your Dr to refer you to the Weight Wise Clinic in Edmonton. It is a long process but worth it. They helped me save my life!