Am I eating too much after surgery?
I'm happy to report that I'm back home from surgery (actually got back on Thursday) and at least fiscally I'm feeling ok. I feel bloated all the time though, and the food TV commercial are driving me mental :(
I was reading some of the posts about the first week after surgery and most of them say that eating 1/4 a cup is a challenge. Someone even said that 1/4 cup is way too much... I'm worried now because I can take 1/2 cup of apple sauce or yogurt no problem. I try to stretch the time that I take to eat it as much as I can but is usually gone by minute 5 and I seem to be OK with that, is that ok or is 1/2 cup too much food. I haven't had a single incident with nausea or vomiting.
I feel week and "messed up with" inside all the time and that is the frustrating part in all this.
I would love to read lots of opinions, please post your thoughts and thank you all; you have no idea how helpful you have been in my process.
Alex P.
No you aren't eating too much. Slider foods (soft foods) tend to go through you a lot quicker than solids. Your body will tell you when you stop. I would suggest to slow down though. It should be taking you about 15 - 30 minutes to eat. But beware, some things that my body could handle right after surgery, I can't now. So your tastes will most likely change...whether you want it to or not.
I wouldn't say that you're eating too much... but definately too fast... It may not bother you now... but wait.... it will... LOL
Everyone is different... but the bloating can be a problem too... Try taking a Zantac in the morning... or something like that... a problem that a lot of us post ops share is bloating, gas, and too much acid. A little Zantac in the morning cured most of it for me and made eating and drinking so much easier... Even straigh****er was a problem for me.
I'm glad things seemed to go well for you... jus****ch the speed.

Welcome to the loser's bench...

The nutritionist told me that we should be eating 1/2 a cup and by a year out 1 cup. I think because we eat slow (or should be lol) it goes through at a better rate. I'm not sure but I thought I heard eating to fast can actually stretch your new connections..but like I said I don't know if that is true or not. I think when we switch to solids it will be a whole different thing and maybe then we won't be able to eat that much at once.
What kinds of things are you eating at this stage? I'm sick of cream soups but I'm not really sure what we are allowed. I tried mashed potato today (runny with milk) and did okay with that. Are you trying "real" foods as long as they are smooth yet or am I moving too quickly?
Good Luck on your weight loss!!