Protein Powders Yuck
So ok I used a banana, strawberry frozen yogurt and Femme protein powder. All I can say is yuck, it was discussing. I couldn't even choke it down and it had 30 grams of protein so I know it would have done me good. It should be mind over matter but I swear if I had finished the smoothie I seriously would have thrown up.
So now it's back to square one, I have to think of something or find something else thats gonna work. The Femme is flavored and I found it sweet but now it has scared me, I also have beneprotein but haven't tried it. Suck cause it's only 6 grams of protein.
Oh dear God the stress of protein is gonna be the death of
Thanks I feel better now.
HW:274 SW:238 CW: 150.0 1St goal: 199.8 2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140
1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary.
Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012
You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't. Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened. My Surgery was September 21/2010
Also there is one called Any Whey protien at GNC that you can cook with and it's not suposed to taste. I haven't tried it yet but I have bought it.
Good luck finding something thatcworks for you.

Are the Breezer from GNC as well. If not where can I find them and what's the cost like? I hate wasting money on things I haven't tried, maybe they sell samples.
Thanks Kee.
HW:274 SW:238 CW: 150.0 1St goal: 199.8 2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140
1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary.
Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012
You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't. Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened. My Surgery was September 21/2010
Did you try the beneprotein I find it not bad mixed in my hot chocolate. I agree with the taste of protein shakes they make me gag also the only one I like is the beneprotein as there is not alot of taste to it and mixed in other things I don't notice it. I know they are only 6g but add two or three to the drink and you have 18g. I did that with the hp ensure when I was drinking it. Also have you thought of maybe a protein bar instead. I know alot of places sell them one at a time so you could sample different ones. I found one at Walmart for only 150 calories and 15grams of protein and it worked for a lunch on the go.
Good luck with the calorie and protein thing I am having a hard time with it as well. Also I know awhile ago someone posted about using the protein powder from booster juice according to the post it was not a bad taste and high source of protein.
My favourite smoothie is this one:
Chocolate Banana Smoothie
I freeze cubes of non-fat Liberte vanilla Greek Yogurt in an ice cube tray (2 cubes for smoothie)
1/2 scoop of Soy Whey Vanilla (from Planet Organic) protein powder (15 g protein)
3/4 cup light chocolate soy milk (5 g protein)
3 slices of frozen banana or other frozen fruit - cherries are good too
It blends up very smooth in my bullet mixer and is quite high in protein. When my calories are low I add 1/2 tsp or so of light peanut butter.
I have also tried freezing cubes of pumpkin spice puree and mixing it with the vanilla protein powder and light vanilla soy millk for Pumpkin Pie smoothie.
It's tough to get all those requirements in hey! This protein powder is the only one I found that didnt make me gag post surgery. I buy the Liberte Greek Yogurt at Planet Organic.

Each drink is 160cal, 1g of sugar, 3gof fat, and 30g of protein. It is about $30 for 18 shakes.
I could probably do the bars but it would take me all day to do so. That's why she recommended the smoothies cause they are considered a slider food.
Adrianna, I've heard of the Premier ones from Costco, my cousin has a membership so the next time I'm in the city I might have to get her to come with me and have a look at them and try them out.
I have the beneprotein so I figure I'm gonna have to get over my fear and try adding it to some of my foods. It just the smell of it turns me off. Since surgery there are a lot of things that turn my stomach and I'm more sensitive to smells, weird eh.
HW:274 SW:238 CW: 150.0 1St goal: 199.8 2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140
1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary.
Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012
You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't. Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened. My Surgery was September 21/2010
That's not weird at all. I've heard from a few people that are more sensitive to smells - I being one of them - Apparently it goes away after awhile but I'm almost 5 months out and it hasn't gone away yet.
I asked about the bars for me, but because I had the RNY, they are worried about dumping so I haven't tried them.
HW:274 SW:238 CW: 150.0 1St goal: 199.8 2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140
1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary.
Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012
You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't. Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened. My Surgery was September 21/2010