Feel like I've been waiting for a VERY long time!
I don't post all that frequently but I do read your posts and responses and they're really helpful!
I had my meetings with Dr Sharma and Dr Karmali way back in April and May. I was approved with no hesitation. I really thought I'd have a surgery date by now (actually I thought it'd be over and done by now) and am wondering if any of you are in the same boat? I'm sure I'll get a call any day now but am really feeling like I'm slipping out of my 'holding pattern'. I feel like I've stopped losing weight and am fearful that since a bit has started to creep back on, this may be the trend.
I've thought of calling the booking desk and asking if they've got a date for me but am not sure whether I should be doing that or not. Have any of you called to see if you had a date and if so, did they sound really bothered by your inquiry?
Thanks for reading!
Just curious,
Me too! I was approved for the surgery by Dr. Karmali at the end of April. I have called the booking clerk a handful of times and the answer was always the same - don't call us, we'll call you, and nothing will be available until November. Most recently I received this answer two weeks ago.
I have to admit it is getting hard to maintain throughout the summer, and I have been feeling down about things too. At first I was quite excited about the surgery and now feeling much different about it. I am hoping this fall that I am able to just ride through things at work etc. and with the various stresses in life so that I am able to be healthy and hopeful once it is actually happening.
So! You are not alone! ~mtrai

I guess I'll refrain from calling them as I suspect I'll receive the same response. Well, I hope we get our calls sooner than later. November seems like such a long time away but I guess it's really just over 12 weeks until the end of November which will probably fly by. That's what everyone says anyway.
I think you'll probably get your date sooner than myself because my appt with Dr. K was in the first week of May but I'll be sure to post when I get my date.
Oh, I've been given the full 3 weeks of liquids prior to surgery, how about you?
Did you have to go for any swallow or scope tests?
Did you already complete the pre-surgery classes?
Just checking because I only saw the nurse twice when i first went in...and then my nurse went on mat leave and my chart (as far as nurse visits) kind of fell of the radar. I was doing everything by myself...fast forward nine months and I find out that I should have been seeing a nurse about every six weeks! ha! The nurse is a very important link between all things.
Maybe you could talk to your nurse and see what they think about the wait. They would know how it is going for other patients that are waiting too!
Hi there HoopGirl- yes, I did the swallow test, pre-surgery, post-surgery classes. As well as all the modules I could possibly get into (two of them even twice just as a reminder).
And a long series of an Emotional Eating seminar last fall. That class was the BEST and definitely made me feel psychologically free from the burden of obesity. My biggest fear was that I would lose weight but still feel mentally and emotionally worried about it all the time.
Now I feel free and just annoyed at this fat which is getting in my way. HA HA. I have had some recent struggles - joint problems, and food allergies discovered during a round of blood tests which have kind of made it a bit harder to stay positive.
I have a great nurse and meet with her and my nutritionist every six weeks. They all are kind of surprised as well that it is taking so long. But not much they can do about it either. The surgeons were on summer break, and low staff in the OR over August, and a big long list of people who need it as badly or more so than me.
So. Just feeling a bit bummed about waiting waiting. I am a fairly young at heart and busy lady and most people (especially friends my age) have no idea I am dealing with all of this in my non-existent free time. So, It can be lonely and tough on this journey at times. ~mtrai

I have spoke to Lorraine in the surgical booking department a few times. It really doesn't hurt to touch base with her to make sure you don't get over looked cause believe it or not you can happen and has happen to others.
I actually spoke to her today. I called to add my sisters number cause my dad has been diagnosed with cancer and I may have to fly home, depending of course on his second biopsy results. Anyway she add the number and checked to see where I was on the list for the sleeve surgery and she told me it's gonna be sometime in October and not to worry I would be give 3-4 weeks notice. I was approved in June and I'm now getting impatient.I want it done like yesterday.
Its getting harder for me to loose and I'm now struggling to maintain I haven't seen my nurse since April and the last Nut appt was June, I don't go back now until October, to me it feels like I'm slipping through the cracks.
I got everything else done and lucky for me I don't have to do a liquid diet so I'm also available for the cancelation list.
Hope we all get a date soon.
HW:274 SW:238 CW: 150.0 1St goal: 199.8 2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140
1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary.
Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012
You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't. Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened. My Surgery was September 21/2010
I would suggest for you to call, just confirm you are on the list. I called once and was told I was on the list, then I called again a month later and was given my date right then and there. I know a few people that have called and were given their dates for surgery.....so CALL!
The worst they will say is you are still on the waiting list.
I called in mid June and I was told there were 6 people a head of me but the summer is SLOW!! No staff and surgical holidays etc. Bariatric surgery is also elective and gets bumped too.
I called back on August 3rd as Kee said her sister was going in ( with Dr. K though) and I was like...whooaaaa--- I should be in there too. Well I spoke to Lorraine and she said that I was looking at late September, early October. I said " oh..." . lol I think she sensed the disappointment in my voice as she checked my name for any memos etc and gave me a date right then. I go in on September 21------ 18 frickin days away and I can hardly wait!!
I haven't been into see my dietitian in months though I do frequent phone follow ups and I was last weighed on June 22nd when I completed my pre-op classes. Over the summer I have been so worried that I am going to gain weight and through this entire experience out the window. I'm 229 this morning so I am up from my 227.5 I was a month ago but I was 234 at the clinic in June on their scale so I am safe!
Just need to keep on doing what I am doing--- eating properly, excerising ( for me it's running and walking) and drinking lots of water.
I do not need to be on a liquid diet either so I'm all set to go!
I think you should call to ease your mind. Its not like they are going to get pissed off or anything and take you off the list. Waiting does suck!! Do they have your cell #--- maybe call and give them all your numbers "just in case" and it'll make it a reason for calling . :)
Best wishes on the rest of your waiting. Try to stay positivie!! :D
I did take the swallow test and the pre surgery classes. The swallow test revealed that I have a hiatal hernia and I was called and asked if I wanted Dr K to fix it while he was in there. I said sure, why not?
I've done all of the modules with the exception of Module 8. That one's been hard to get into.
Thanks again!
The number for the surgicial booking office is (780)735-5107.
HW:274 SW:238 CW: 150.0 1St goal: 199.8 2nd goal:174 (100 pound lost)
My Persoanl Goal: (HIgh)150 (Low)140
1st goal acheived December 27th/2010. 1 week after my 3rd month surgery anniversary.
2nd goal acheived June 4th/2011. 2 weeks after my 8th Month Surgiversary.
Gall Bladder surgery April 12,2012
You can either believe it will happen.....or believe it won't. Both are self fulfilled prophesies. For Me it has happened. My Surgery was September 21/2010