Incisional Hernia
If it is anything like an Inguinal Hernia, I just had surgery for that in May. It wasn't that bad. I had the surgery and was back to work a week and a half later. It only took about 30 min to do and I was dischagred the same day. They open up the area and place a mesh patch and maybe a mesh pug and then then they sew you up. The stomach may be harder than the pelvis though,Let me know what they say. You'll do fine just remember not to strain or life anything, you don't want it to become incarserated.
Good luck Katrina, I'll keep my fingers crossed that nothing serious. Keep us posted.
Good luck Katrina, I'll keep my fingers crossed that nothing serious. Keep us posted.
Thanks for the info!
I guess for me incisional hernia is when you have a surgical incision that heals on the outside but not on the inside and your peritoneum and or bowels get sucked into the hole causing a large lump. I see my surgeon on Monday but until then I have to monitor the lump. Big is bad. LOL
I guess for me incisional hernia is when you have a surgical incision that heals on the outside but not on the inside and your peritoneum and or bowels get sucked into the hole causing a large lump. I see my surgeon on Monday but until then I have to monitor the lump. Big is bad. LOL