How long until you feel like you are actually in the program? (Weight Wise Question)
Hi guys
I am attending modules and have my initial assessment on April 28th- just wondering how long it takes to actually feel like you are a part of the program, rather than just waiting to get going in the program?
Think I have a case of the sads today- might just be my terrible mood feeling like I am hurrying to wait some more!
Im sure things will be ok.. Journal, Get on line. I wish I was around more . But email me and I will get back to you..
I went full force . appointments, modules. And for me with working shifts i really pushed myself.. I also have a great nurse whom I can email when Im feeling over whelmed with something.
Im hoping that I can attend the meetings ( support) but this next one is out due to work ..
Cant find someone to cover..
But now that things are slowing down .. Im kidda at the point where did time go.. I know I go to the clinic and I have met people just sitting waiting and its nice to have a chance to chat.

Im sure things will be ok.. Journal, Get on line. I wish I was around more . But email me and I will get back to you..
I went full force . appointments, modules. And for me with working shifts i really pushed myself.. I also have a great nurse whom I can email when Im feeling over whelmed with something.
Im hoping that I can attend the meetings ( support) but this next one is out due to work ..

But now that things are slowing down .. Im kidda at the point where did time go.. I know I go to the clinic and I have met people just sitting waiting and its nice to have a chance to chat.
Thanks for the replies, Ladies! 
I had to stop at take a real hard look at my life and I have come to some realizations as a result. I am working in a job that is not only making it hard for me to do things well for my health, but actually making me stressed out and driving me to make decisions that are counter-active to my goals. Second, I am living (when not in camp) in a town that is lacking in many of the facilities that will actually help me to change my reality.
So... I am hunting for a new job and a new apartment (in Edmonton).
I like my work- but not at the expense of my health and mental well-being.
So again- my thanks for replying and giving me some great feedback and a positive feeling, that once I attend the assessment, I will actually feel a part of the program.

I had to stop at take a real hard look at my life and I have come to some realizations as a result. I am working in a job that is not only making it hard for me to do things well for my health, but actually making me stressed out and driving me to make decisions that are counter-active to my goals. Second, I am living (when not in camp) in a town that is lacking in many of the facilities that will actually help me to change my reality.
So... I am hunting for a new job and a new apartment (in Edmonton).
I like my work- but not at the expense of my health and mental well-being.
So again- my thanks for replying and giving me some great feedback and a positive feeling, that once I attend the assessment, I will actually feel a part of the program.
Hugs Chance
I can totally relate to the job thing.. I love my job hate the Stress and Drama. LOL
I have decided that when I have had my surgery that I will start looking for a new one. I have put out Resumes but no bites yet.. I don't want to start and then have to leave. Bigger issue is I have coverage..and for me thats important. I have moved to afternoons after yrs of working Nights.. but that too has taken a toll..
It seems you know what you need to do. I know Im very blessed to have the support of the clinic and my nurse ( I can email her).. I know that things will work out for you. Cus they have a way always..
Everything we go through has a reason .. ( sometimes we have to do it over and over till we get it right.) ...
I can totally relate to the job thing.. I love my job hate the Stress and Drama. LOL
I have decided that when I have had my surgery that I will start looking for a new one. I have put out Resumes but no bites yet.. I don't want to start and then have to leave. Bigger issue is I have coverage..and for me thats important. I have moved to afternoons after yrs of working Nights.. but that too has taken a toll..
It seems you know what you need to do. I know Im very blessed to have the support of the clinic and my nurse ( I can email her).. I know that things will work out for you. Cus they have a way always..
Everything we go through has a reason .. ( sometimes we have to do it over and over till we get it right.) ...
Hi Chance,
I started the program Oct 2008 and from my first meeting with my team I felt I was part of the program. Its been awesome. At first I wondered how long things would take before I had any idea as to which direction was best for me; ie surgery, meds, other. But once you start the program and do all they ask you to do the time goes and well before you know it you'll be starting the next part of this journey. I am now scheduled for surgery on Mar 17.
I started the program Oct 2008 and from my first meeting with my team I felt I was part of the program. Its been awesome. At first I wondered how long things would take before I had any idea as to which direction was best for me; ie surgery, meds, other. But once you start the program and do all they ask you to do the time goes and well before you know it you'll be starting the next part of this journey. I am now scheduled for surgery on Mar 17.