Hang in there...
OMG! I know exactly what you're going through, and all I can say is; "you aint seen nothing yet!" I had to wait almost a year before they sent me a letter, only to tell me that I was going on their waitlist. Then I waited another 10 mnths after that before they finally booked me in for their Orientatin. By now I was just soooo excited that things were finally starting to move forward again. but I still had no idea what Weight Wise was actually all about. I just assumed they were part of the sugeons team, kind of a pre-op thing, and that they were there to basically talk to you about the sugery and what to expect. That kinda thing. Well, I got the suprise of my life when I went in for their Orientation and all they talked about was how obesity was a chronic disease and that because it was now considered an epidemic, Dr Sharma started this "weight management program" called, WEIGHT WISE. In truth I could barely keep my eyes open because they werent telling me anything I didnt already know. And if I could of lost weight simply by going through some "weight management program," wouldnt I have done that by now? Then they went on to say how this was a VOLUNTARY program and that it could take another year just to complete these "modules" they want you to take, and then up to another year after that to finally be booked to see a surgeon, and by now my head was
spinning. Seriously, all I kept thinking was; "this is what I waited almost 2 years for?" Only to be told I had to wait another 2 years before I actually got in to see a surgeon. I was completely and utterly devastated, and I was so close to just "GIVING UP" then and there cos in truth, I wasnt sure I had 2 more years to give. For some of us we really do need to see a surgeon ASAP. And if this is a VOLUNTARY program, why then are we "FORCED" to sign their absurb "consent to comitt?" Im still very upset over all the BULLS**T, the long 3 hour drive I had to endure just to get there, and yes, I did sign their consent, but only cos
I felt like I had NO choice. And even though I was told I'de have to wait another month or two before I was booked for their "clinic assessment" they had called me the day after my Orientation and booked me for Apr 6th. They had mentioned that they give preference to those with a 40 BMI or higher, so again, Im assuming thats why I got in so fast. I still dont know what to expect once I get there, and I can only hope they get me in to see a surgeon right away. Had I known about Dr Farries in Red Deer I would have contacted him 2 years ago, rather than subject myself to all this. I still might do that, but Im waiting till after my clinic assessment to make any discisons. One thing I "wont do" is subject myself to even more BULLS**T, only this time Im going to make sure Dr Sharma knows whats going on. I think its INSANE that we're all being "FORCED" to go through all this, and Im sure that if your Doctor sends Weight Wise another referal stating that he WANTS you to see a surgeon right away, they have to do it. Like I said earlier, some of us need to see a surgeon right away. I'de be more than happy to tell you how things go at the clinic assessment as I intend to be very verbal about this entire situation.
Hang in there
Unfortunately they seem to have everyone by the short hair right now, and somehow
Dr Sharma seemed to have convinced all the powers that be that the only way to "SAVE US" is through his weight management program. Why else are our referals being completely ignored and then redirected to Dr Sharma's weight management program without even seeing us, or speaking to us to actually determine whether or not thats exactly where we need to be??? To me they all sound like a bunch of "BULLIES" and we "ENABLE" them because everyones just too damn scared to say anything! Its just "WRONG." My gawd, this is just so WRONG!!!!!!!

Ok, the wait is long. Waited a year from my referral to the orientation, where it was quite clearly explained that this is a voluntary program. No one is forcing you to do it, and there are other programs and even other surgeons out there. However, if you want to be assessed and treated under this program, you had to be committed to it. Hence, you sign the form. What's the problem? There were several people in my orientation who didn't sign the form, for whatever reason, and no one stopped them on the way out.
I did sign the form, with no qualms. This is a huge undertaking, and I don't see an issue with the system. With the amount of time that you need to spend at the clinic, and the number of people that you see, it totally makes sense that they would ask us to formally commit to the program. Our wait time is increased by cancelled and missed appointments. Any effort to weed out those who aren't going to go the mile seems reasonable to me, regardless of how they do it. Furthermore, you don't get to the bariatric clinic unless you go through the Weight Wise clinic, so your referral hasn't been lost , rerouted or redirected. Your doctor has no say in that. It's not a bad thing either. Not everyone who wants surgery needs it, not everyone who needs it wants it, and not everyone who both needs and wants it is suitable. I've met people who are "I want it, I need it," and when the time came realized that while they truly didn't want a surgical intervention. Save the surgeons time for those who are suitable, demonstrate a need, and who want the surgery.
Once in the clinic, I saw a nurse, dietician, physical therapist, internist, and psychologist. All of these people are available to me as resources, and I have even accessed them outside of my scheduled appointments via email or telephone. It is a complete team designed to help me ensure that I am successful. None of the other surgeons in Alberta have this type of team available to their patients. I attend a peer run support group at the Royal Alex which has people who had their surgery done by Dr, Ferries or Dr Nohr who come regularly. Several of these people have wished for the type of support that those of us who attend the Weight Wise program receive.
You may already know all there is to know about nutrition, and how/what you should be eating and that's fantastic. However, that isn't all that they work on you with. The team there has been steadily helping me to prepare for surgery, and more importantly, giving me the tools and resources that I will need after surgery - IF I am approved for surgery. If I don't have surgery, I am still 100 % better prepared for a healthier life than I was even a year ago. And while I didn't know everything about nutrition and the like, I knew a hell of a lot. Knowing is not the same as doing.
I believe it is the dietician who finally makes the referral for you to see the surgeon, as that is how it has been for several people I know. I suppose that could be different for other people in the program. Regardless, from what I understand NO ONE is referred to the surgeon until they have demonstrated that they are willing, able, and committed to the changes required. And sure, the surgeons are certainly capable of making an assessment on a person's suitablility for surgery. However, I would much rather that they be performing the surgeries rather than wasting time screening people. Not to mention that bariatric is not the only surgery that they do, so there are other demands on their time.
A three hour drive for every appointment - and there are going to be a lot of them - is going to be a real pain. You are going to have to be really committed - and I am not questioning your level of committment. But if your dislike for the system in place is so high, every trip is going to be almost a torture, especially when you don't get the result you want. I can almost guarantee that you will not be happy tomorrow after your appointment, because you probably are not going to walk out of there with a referral to one of the surgeons. I live here, so my commute is minutes, but every second of those minutes killed me the first time I saw the surgeon (after almost a year in the clinic) and I wasn't immediately approved. I wasn't denied either, and I have been following all that I am supposed to be doing. If that happens to you, how will you handle it on the drive home? A relative of mine had the surgery done in Lethbridge, and waited 4 years from start to surgery. The surgeon in Red Deer (last I heard) only takes referrals one day a year. ONE DAY! And that is just to get in to see him for an assessment. (May first incidently.... think anyone at your doctor's office is able to spend a day on the phone/fax trying to get an appointment?)
Make your concerns known, certainly. And if you can't work within the Weight Wise structure, you either have to find one you can work in, or as you say in your profile page "leave the pieces on the floor and move the **** on."
Good luck
yourself that Weight Wise is the end all and the be all in tackling this
countries obesity epidemic. In fact, Im suprised Ontario as well as
British Columbia havent jumped onto Dr Sharma's weight management
band wagon, or even the United States for that matter. And given that
we have the benifit of this "team of international experts" on our side, I
dont know why our own Doctors felt it necessary to even consider Bariatric
surgery as an option for any of us. Seems to me Dr Sharma has all the
answers, and seriously, I dont know why I didnt see that before. And let me
just say, I keep hearing this is a VOLUNTARY program, yet if we dont sign
their "consent to committ" form, it ends with the Orientation you're also
required to go to. And then what? We dont agree so we just go home and what
....become invalids, become dependant on the province for everything, or do we
just go home and wait to DIE. And please dont insult my intelligence by
telling me I can go elsewhere because you yourself know that there is
NOWHERE else to go. As for the Weight Wise program, I'de like to point
something out;
Dr Sharma's Module...
1) Getting Started. Planning for success. Sharing Strategies. Learning how
to set goals, how to overcome obstacles in meeting those goals.
My program...
1) Getting started. Identifying weight goals as well as your reasons for
wanting to lose weight.
Learning how to stay focus and avoid setting yourself up with unrealistic
Dr Sharma's Module...
2) Finding Balance. The roles of calories and stress in weight management.
My program...
2) Learning how to make lower-calorie substitutions.
Knowing your High Risk Situations and learning how to deal with them
Learning how to cope with feelings rather than feeding them.
Dr Sharma's Module....
3) I Cant Get No... Satisfaction. Ways to manage hunger and appetite.
My program...
3) Striving for Satisfaction, not Deprivation. You do NOT have to give
up all your favorite foods, or spend all your time exercising to lose
Dr Sharma's Module....
4) Nutrition...The Truth about what works in weight management. Exploring
meal patterns, food choices, and how portion size affect calorie intake.
My program...
4) Basic training in portion control, and learning how to manage what you eat.
Dr Sharma's Module...
5) Nutrition...I know I should eat healthy, but how? Tips on putting your
nutrition knowledge into practice, Strategies on how to plan and prepare
healthy meals. Exploring the 4 P's; Planning, purchase, preparing, and
My program...
5) Meal Idea's. learing how to use guidelines, through planning, preparing,
purchasing, and packing lunch's.
Establishing a NO-EATING-ZONE
Dr Sharma's Module...
6) Moving Matter. Exploring the benefits and barries to being more active.
My program...
6) Learning how to become more active, whether thats just going up and down
a flight of stairs each day or going out for a walk.
It also teach's you how to feel good about yourself, and how to reward
yourself with non-food rewards.
So you see, Weight Wise does NOT have all the answers. The only difference
between my program and Dr Sharma's program is that we're NOT shoving it
down everyones throat, and making it encumbant upon whether or not we even
qualify for surgery. And Like I have said from the very beginning, it shouldnt
matter how you get there, as long as you get there, period. And if thats
through the Weight Wise program, Weigh****chers, Tops, The Zone, or the
Hour Glass program I just want that TO COUNT FOR SOMETHING! But it
doesnt count for a damn thing because Dr Sharma couldnt take credit for the
success you've achieved through following another program. Therefore it would
only prove that he's NO BETTER or Worse, than any other program out there.
I think these Surgeons are WRONG, and extremely NARROW MINDED in
rallying behind such and idea without first meeting us or talking to us as
individuals to determine if in fact we do need this surgergy, or if we are just
looking for a quick fix. I certainly dont have all the answers, and I am very
grateful for all the help I can get in my own struggles, just dont tell me, without
even meeting me that Weight Wise is the ONLY way I can be successful. Is the
ONLY way I can get in to see a surgeon, and is the ONLY way I can lead a normal
healthy, productive life. Thats a pretty bold statement to make as well as a little
arrogant. I just wonder how many people out there, who actually do need this
surgery, are going to DIE for Dr Sharma's high ideals.
In closing Ide also like to say I have decided to opt OPT OUT of Dr Sharma's
weight management program, and for all the reason Ive mentioned. MY SUCCESS
IS MY OWN and I refuse to endorse a program like this where the Surgeons are
so...OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY. Its just so SAD, that so many are going
to LOSE OUT, and quite possibly LOSE THEIR LIVES AS WELL, simply
because the Surgeons REFUSE to believe it can be done any other way.
I look at jumping through "their hoops" as excercise...
I have bee approved....I am waiting for the call...end of May I am told.
It was worth the wait...it was worth the hoops...it was worth MY TIME...because I am worth it!!
Good luck with finding a doctor/program that can deal with your attitude.