New To Board - Where To Start?
I've finally made the decision to invest in myself and see a doctor about starting the long road to surgery - be it lap-band or bypass. The only problem is, I don't have a family doctor! Does anyone on the board, living in Calgary, know someone they can recommend that is decent towards obese individuals wanting to look into surgery? I haven't had a real doctor in some time and aside from checking the calgary health site (which tells you nothing!) I don't know where else to "shop".

Also, I'd really like to look into getting together with people in a similar situation to mine - who've either taken a few steps on the path towards surgery or even have undergone it already. Is there an established group in Calgary for that or would anyone be interested in something informal (like a coffee group or something)?
About me: I'm 33, been big all my life and finally decided that I am tired of not being able to walk as fast or as far as my friends do. I'm hoping that taking this little step will help propel me to smaller & smaller things!

I had a gastric bypass two years ago with Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat ... I don't come to the OH website very often - are you still trying to find a family doctor?
I don't know of any support groups in Calgary ... I've pretty much used OH as my source of information ...
Feel free to e-mail me if I can help you in any way ... my addy is [email protected]
Proud mum of Fairy Emma (age 9) and Fairy Molly (age 5)
My name is Leslie and yes there is a support group for ppl who are interested or had the lap band in calgary. I have posted the link below.
If you are struggling with any chronic conditions you and you live in the NW you can try the Foothills Primary Care Centre. You can search for their site on the web. They will see you and then get you all ready to see a new family doc.
Because the heatlh system in alberta is changing it is difficult to tell you where to go for surgery but I will give you some leads I have learned.
Calgary Weight Management Program in Calgary. Their funding was cut so I do not know the future of the program.
Weight Wise Program in Edmonton 2yr ++ wait time but awesome doctors
Dr. Nohr in Medicine Hat. You will have to look him up and find out the refferal process
Dr. Farries in Red Deer again like above you will have to phone to find out the referral process
i know he does lap band and gastric bypass. You must me a non smoker.
Hope that helps.