What happens after your referral goes in?
How long is the usual wait for contact after your GP puts in your referral? I know that it'll probably be a while, but I'm just curious. My GP just faxed mine in today, for the bariatric surgery program at the Royal Alexandra hospital in Edmonton. (I'm in the Yukon.)
Once they DO contact you, what happens then?
Thanks! :-)
I waited 1 year to get into the WW clinic in Edmonton. I have been seening a dietcian there for 1 1/2 years. I am being banded on Tuesday.
You will go for an orinentation and then need to go to the clinic every 6 weeks. It will be intresting how they will treat you living so far away. The appointments with the dietican are really important as she/he is the one who makes sure you are following the directions they give you, looks at your food records, sets mini goals for you and will talk to the dr. about whether you should have surgery or not. They will want you to lose weight before surgery.I have heard that the program is always being improved so hopefully the wait will be shorter. Good luck and be patient as it is worth the wait. The pre and post op care ( I have heard) are awsome.
on 6/6/08 4:52 am - Canada
on 6/6/08 4:52 am - Canada
Hi Tammy,
I hope your operation went well and you are well on the road to recovery!
How did you find the 1 1/2 years seeting the dietician? Were you given a strict diet? Were you able to lose much weight?
I just posted that I had my assessment appointment on Monday after more than a year and a half waiting since my referral. I was told another year of waiting - okay not waiting - working to prove myself. I'm discouraged because with underactive thyroid and newly diagnosed insulin resistance, it's so difficult to lose. I geuss I'm anticipating the same thing I've always gotten from dieticians and weight loss type programs - you aren't losing enough so you must not be logging all your food, etc. rather than true understanding of how difficult it is to lose with these medical issues.
I am o.k. I have a really bad cold that has turned into broncitis so my healing time is slowly making its way around. Every day or even hour I feel better.
I lost 19 pounds in the time at the clinic. You dont need to lose 100 pounds but they like to see a steady decrease or maintan. Trust me the time you put in at the clinic will be worth it if really want to surgery. I waited another 1 1/2 years till surgery. The time went reallly fast. Keep in mind I cancelled 1 surgery date because I just wasnt sure. Even after all the time it took and education I recieved. I am glad I waited and really reseached and did my home work. Right now I am not the happiest person in the world but in a few weeks I will let you know how I feel. Dont be to down, I have a friend who has just been referred. Your a year and a half ahead of her and many others! Keep me posted.
What normally happens is that you wait forever and a day.
I had my referal sent in to the Royal Alex hospital as well.... this was LAST February (2007) and I was told that it was a years wait to get into their program and that they would be sending me out a package in Dec 2007. I'm still waiting for that package to arrive and have since then learned that they're only granting acceptance into the program to people who live in the Edmonton area at this time. It's very frustrating.
I also have had a referral faxed in THREE times to Dr Nohr in Medicine Hat. I'm still waiting to hear from them as well. My referral was first sent into them on Nov 30, 2006!
My dad is really pushing for me to have this surgery since I'm just getting fatter and fatter (damn insulin anyway!!!!)
and he's willing to front me the $$$ to go to Montreal and have it done within this year!!!!!
If you want, you could try calling the Capital Health Region. Just look up their phone number in google or something. You'll be wanting the phone number for the booking office.
Hope this helps you out somewhat.