Pre-op Procedures
Hi there,
I had my surgery with Dr. Nohr in May 2006 ... I'll try to remember what happened right before going into the OR LOL!
I got to the hospital, they had me change into a gown, weighed me, put in an IV ...
As they roll me into the hallway the nurse tells me that I'll wake up with a tube in my nose (that goes down my throat) and I'll have an incision from about my breastbone to my belly button ...
I'm rolled to the OR area and wait outside the OR for a few minutes ...
Doctors show up, I'm rolled in the OR ... Dr. Nohr say****he anesthesiologist (sp?) asks me how I'm doing ... I say I'm terrified ... he says nothing to be afraid of ... puts a mask over my mouth and nose and tells me to count backwards from 100 ... I make it to about 96 ...
I wake up in the recovery room ...
That's it!
Hope that helps