By-Pass surgery not in Canada
Hi everyone, I researched alot and actually went and saw Dr.Davies in Edmonton, I spoke with Dr.Colbourn on the phone, the waiting list was the most horrible part, and to be honest with you I found the price outta this world even though I am covered. I continued my research into the states and so on I met a girl on line you had the Lap-Band surgery and I asked her where she told me Mexico. My first thought of having a surgery in Mexico was a slab of wood, some old elastic bands and someone elses blood on the walls. However I pushed on. I spoke with a few clinics in Mexico and even one in Argentina. The one thing that stood out for me with this one clinic in Mexico not once and I truly mean not once was money brought up unless I brought it up. They were so interested in me and my health and what they could do for me. I knew I would have to have the by pass surgery because of numerous other surgeries on my stomach. Anytime I could not find the answer to a question from his website I felt very comfortable calling his toll free line and asking. I finally made the decision to say yes. I called in the end of November 06 and the first date given to me was Jan3rd 07, that didnt work for me because of the holidays and all. The next date given to me was Jan12th 07 I agreed. I sent them $1000.00 to hold my spot. Within 1 day my flight was booked and I was sent a bunch of paper work to fill out. The time went slow but finally the 12th arrived. After doing a pre-op diet for 14 days I was definately ready for the next step. I left at 6:45am headed to Puerta Vallarta. When I arrived you would have thought I was meeting old friends the friendliness of all the staff was so insuring. My surgeon had no idea what to expect once he got in since I had previous surgeries. What was to be approx 2 hr surgery ended up 5.5 hrs he cleaned up alot of old scar tissue and a big mess sitting in there. I spent 4 days in a private hospital in paradise the nurses and other doctors constantly checked on me, I was treated like royalty. On my 4th day I was discharged and the sent me to a 5 star resort where the doctor visited me everyday. It was so nice to begin healing at temp of +36C. The doctors assistant brought me drinks & jello and there is a menus for by pass patients, it was so easy. On my 8th day my doctor came to check me one more time and we said goodbye there was not one moment that I felt like I was just a number going threw. From the OR nurse that held my hand just before they put me under to my surgeon sleeping in the chair next to my bed when I awoke. My surgery cost approx 1/3 of what they are charging in Ont. and that was flight and accomadations included ...the service and the dignity I was given was priceless.
:thumbsup: Canuckgerl
That's great that you had success and felt welcome. What kind of follow up plan and support do they offer? Or for complications and problems, if any, are they covered?? Do you have to travel all the way down there again? I always feel sceptic going out of the country for such serious procedures. Just curious, why did you choose there, if you were covered here in Canada?
Hey there,
Before I even left they suggested I speak with my doctor, they had emailed me everything that was going to happen with me and I gave copies to my doctor here at home. Also, when I checked out of the hospital the gave me all my records this is all in medical lingo that I don't understand this is for my doctor. I asked my doctor if I had any complications once I was back home would there be someone that could help me, he assured me that there would be. I have no reason to travel back there unless for pleasure however I might consider doing any plastic surgey there as well. This particular hospital put anything I have seen in Canada to shame. You have nurse that is just yours her only concern is you, I have never seen that here in Canada. Nor have I heard of that happening for a WLS. My medical coverage covers me anywhere in the world I did alot of research on the surgeons here in Canada and I did plenty of research on doctors in the states. In all honesty I was sceptic to go any further then the states myself. After doing tons of research on this doctor the hospital his staff, and most importantly his patients I spoke to well over 200 of his by pass patients , they all spoke very highly of him the location, his staff, the hospital, the care, and the resort.
No matter how much I narrowed my list of very good surgeons his name remained at the top. I was 100% confident with him and even though I am only 13 days out of surgery I have not one regret, the care I received was more then I could ever imagine.
hi i was wondering where you went to becasue i have had alot of surgery and will probbalby need some scar tissue fixed also.I was wondering if i could call you just to talk about it.
my email address is [email protected] my name is michelle whitford. I am a foster mom to 6 kids and have gained alot of weight in the past few years and cant do the thiongs i used to do. if you would like to call me collect or give me your number to call you that would be great this is my firdt time here
What a grand experience!! I have the same skepticism you had about surgery outside of USA and Canada. I would never have imagined the attention and doting that you received!
But I am sure the cost will make it a no-go for me. Especially if it is not 100% that I will not ever gain the weight back. Do you mind saying how much everything cost you? I have heard estimations but never heard anything about a "resort" and having the food and accommodations covered for the week. That makes a difference when looking at costs! (Especially if the vacation part is included)
Also, could you tell me where exactly you had this surgery done? I wouldn't even know where to begin or how to do all the research you did! Good for you! It is great to hear of such a wonderful experience someone had!