Got my date
Hi guys. Andrew from Edmonton here.
I don't post too much in here but wanted to share that I got my date the other day. I'm scheduled for Lap RNY Sept 5 at the Royal Alex with Birch/Daveys.
I'm right on track - technically ahead of the game. My original referal was sent October 2004 so 1 whole month ahead of the game, LOL.
I never thought the date would come. 2 years is a lifetime to wait but it really does go fast.
The time has been well used though in support groups, surgical and nutritionist appointments. Geez, I hate journaling every thing I've eaten since last December.
And I haven't had a smoke either!!!
I would be cancelled right away if I did so that's pretty good incentive.
So now I just work to lose & once I reach my goal and maintain I get my panni. I figure in another 18-24 months, I'll be totally done.
I'm grateful the panni is free too but kinda wish the would do the arms...and maybe a face lift too, LOL. Best not to push my luck, eh?
Anyway - happy dance here.
I would have more in profile & pics but for the life of me I've never seen such a hard to understand site...not too techie I guess.