Hi Dena,
I'm not sure how far you've gotten or where you've planned to do your surgery. I just thought I'd give you the listing of the doctors that are doing it in Alberta right now if you'd like. You can do the further research on each of them afterwards. I know that some people have opinions on them, and if you read through all of the posts on this Alberta board you will find what people have to say about them. I didn't have my surgery done here, I had it done in Mexico and my follow up here, so I can't comment on them. I do go to Dr. Mitchell for my follow up however, and I find him to be great.
Here are the doctors in Alberta doing bariatric surgeries of sorts, you can call there offices as to specifics of what types and waiting time and so on.
Dr. Davey and/or Dr. Birch - 1-403-735-5620
they work together in Edmonton, and Dr. Davey does it through Bonnyville as well, which I hear is a shorter wait.
Medicine Hat it's (Dr. Nohr 1-403-502-8936)
Red Deer - Dr. Farries - 1-403-347-9037
Calgary - Dr. Phillip Mitchell - 1-403-264-6720
Happy to help, I know what it's like to begin the search.

I chose Dr. Joya in Puerto Vallarta. His staff was very responsive and very kind. They answered any questions you may have had very quickly. I made up my mind and was in within two weeks. I had the lapband done, not RNY. He has done thousands of surgeries, and I liked the fact that he was very experienced, and that he was specialized in it. I hear many great things about many doctors in Mexico, and I found the "south of the border" forum to be very helpful in that. I think alot of people don't choose it because they think they're cheap shopping surgery, when it's not that way at all. They are more than qualified with fantastic new facilities. The hospital I was in was very small, more like a clinic perhaps. It was so nice and clean and new with a great operating room and so on. Most of the doctors in Mexico have pictures of their facilities on their websites.
I didn't have an epidural, was put completely out, it was my first surgery in my life. I had the pre-surgery jitters about all that could go wrong of course, but once I got there I wasn't scared or anything, they made me feel really good.
Another reason I think that people don't go there is that they like to have someone near them that has done it. But I found my aftercare doctor before I went, in Alberta we are very limited in terms of number of doctors to do it. But I chose mine in Calgary, and as it turns out I think he's fantastic, does a great job. In choosing your's you may be limited as well. What you'll have to do is a search for bariatric doctors in your area, and just call there office and tell them what kind of surgery your having and having it out of the country, and ask if they do follow up care. Some doctors do, some will only do their own patients. But most people can find a few in their area.
Hope any of this helps,

I got to Mexico on Thursday afternoon, got picked up by the doctor's assistant Natalie, she took me straight to the hospital. Went through some testing that took no time at all, drew some blood and a few other things. The staff was very nice, and almost all spoke english, communication was never a problem. I had surgery that Thursday night at about 9pm I think it was. I was back in my room within the hour. The next day around noon'ish Natalie took us to the resort where they have you stay. The price includes one nights stay there, but I wanted to stay an extra night 'just in case' so I paid $100 american for an extra night. I was up and walking around the resort and sitting by the pool on Friday and Saturday spent the day downtown shopping and walking around. I was pretty tired that night, but not overly done. On Sunday we left and flew back home (which took 15 hrs with connections and the flight schedule we had to revert to). I was back to work on Monday at noon. I worked half to 3/4 days for that week, and was pretty tired, could have probably taken it off, but it was all fine.
I went to Dr. Ungson in Hermosillo, Mexico to get my Duodenal Switch done. When I had originally called to get an appointment for an RnY in Alberta I would have had to wait 2 years just for a consultation.
Now to submit my information to see if I can get any returns from the government for the cost of my surgery.

My hubby and I both got it done and I'm guessing it was about $30000 for the both of us with travel & hotel. As for financing, no clue... we're going to submit recipts to Alberta Health and see if it gets us anywhere. Dr. Ungson's site is here:
on 7/23/06 9:39 am - Air Ronge, Canada
on 7/23/06 9:39 am - Air Ronge, Canada
Tanya. Congrats on your surgery
I am a 41 year old guy from Saskatchewan and have decided on the self pay even though I have authorization from Sask Health for gastric bypass.2-5 year wait times and no doctors in Canada(other than quebec now and they arn't accepting out of province) doing the DS has led me to this decision.(approx 80 BMI) Quotes of 28-35000 from the states led me to Mexico. THey quote around 11000 US so your 15000 sounds about right. I am extremely interested in your surgery/flights,post op, etc. and how things went. Could I e mail you or your husband to discuss? I am at "[email protected]" Thanks