Help! Denied Again-Considering Canada\Mexico....
Hi! He's located in Hermsillo. His charge for the surgery is $11000US and that covers surgery & hospital stay. I think you should be able to do it all for about $15000-16000CDN including flight and extra stay in the hotel. I hope this helps, it's the best decision hubby and I ever made and haven't regretted it for a moment!

Well I will consider Dr. Arturo Rodriguez he is a GREAT surgeon his staff is perfect! MONTERREY is a GREAT city if you are concerned about the safety it is just like any other USA city very clean OH! and let me tell you I have never meet a doctor as nice as him they still know what service is in Mexico!!
Thank you,
Hi my name is Pat I too have been refused by insurance and would like to have the lap band sugery however, the hospital fee is outragous (sp) I can afford the Dr the hospital is the outrage. I recentlyran across the website of Dr Rodriguez in monterrey his web site looks intrigueing. I too have been sceptical of mexico "chop shop" I was so relieved to find this web site it looks pretty legitamate. I first considerd canada because of the distance however they look overbooked and I was unable to establish a cost.
Have you had the surgery with him?