Sorry I can't help with the name of a doctor but wanted to give you this bit of advice in case it might help. Some doctors think that when they refer the patient that they are recommending this surgery for the patient and they are not comfortable with that because they don't know much about it. Pls advise your doctor that this is not the case. When she refers you you are just getting in the door to see Dr. Davey or Dr. Birch. They have a whole program where they review the patient and they make the decision as to if this surgery is the best choice for you. They are the ones that educate you and work with you to make the decision. Your doctor may say yes I want you to have the surgery (not in your case) but even if this was the case Dr. Davey/Birch could refuse you. So maybe this will ease your doctor's mind - a referral from them doesn't guarantee you'll get the surgery.
PS. I'm a patient of Dr. Davey/Birch that just had surgery in Apr and things are great. I think that we as individuals do our research - I know I did and people I know did and by the time we actually get approved we know so much that we are fully aware of all the risks and that is our choice to make.
Also just wanted to mention that the Alberta Board isn't the most used people tend to go the the boards that correspond to the month of their surgery - so test out some of these to see what info you can gather. I post to the Apr/06 board when I do. There is also a western canada site called westcan. If you'd like more info I can try to get the link - I'm a member. And there's an Edmonton site as well. EBSG. How far is Rainbow lake from Edmonton. We have monthly meetings and I think the July one will have Dr. Birch as a guest speaker and he will be talking about the 2 types of surgery they offer.
Feel free to e-mail if you'd like.

Hi there
I hear your troubles and agree with the other post. Talk to your Dr. again, arm yourself with research and tons of info, show her that you are not looking for the easy way out and that you are not asking for her approval, merely asking to speak with a team that deals with morbid obesity all the time.
Let her know that there is usually a 2 year weight to see him and that he will not see you one time and cut you open. I am going to have a revision done on Tuesday June 13 by him for a revision from VBG to an RNY. I got into him very quickly, only a month or 2 and saw him and his nutritionist for a year to see about working with the old surgery to get back on track.
I saw him at least 3 times and his nutritionist at least 4, I was doing better but not good enough so he agreed on April 6th to do the RNY, I got a call from the Royal Alex 1 week ago to come into the hospital in 5 days for preadmission clinic, I had that yesterday, everything is ok and I will be at the hospital between 6 and 11 on the 13th.
It went fast for mo, don't know why, be aggressive with your DR. They are not God and it should be a surgeon who specializes in this to make those decsions for you, let her know that if he does not think that you area a good canditate, he will NOT do it. When you do get the referal, and you can be flexible, let his office know and the can place you on a cancellation list to perhaps speed up the process, this goes for the actual surgey as well.
Dr. Davey does alot of surgery for cancer patients, he is not strictly bariatric so that is why it takes awhile.....hold strong for YOUR health and do not be afraid or intimdated...go in confident and knowledgeable and don't take no for an answer....if she does agree, aks her when she will do it, tell her you will call and see if it was sent, make sure that it is written in your chart and speak with her stafff, let them know that you will be expecting a letter from the Dr. by this date and will check up on them less loop holes and ways to not do it!!! Cover your own but!!!
Best of luck, sorry it is so long, it just makes me angry when we have to fight for our health!!!