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Topic: RE: New surgery date 12/06/11
Chew your arm off! I loved it! Hahaha! I am excited and so ready to have the surgery! Keep me updated!
Topic: RE: Surgery date is December 12, 2011
My surgery date is Dec. 12 as well! It can't get her soon enough! I'm excited and nervous too and very prayerful. You know what my biggest fear is? not the surgery but possibly losing my hair! silly, huh? I have fine, thin hair and just want to keep what I have. I will be thinking of all of us and praying we have a great experience on our life changing experience ! Blessings!
Topic: RE: Surgery date is December 12, 2011
Hey Yall! My surgery is schedule for the 12th as well! Im so excited, nervous, prayerful...just a bundle of emotions all at one time! Congrats to all! We can DO IT!

Topic: How many Dec 13 surgery dates ?
I will be having my surgery on Dec 13, 2011 at the LA surgery center here in Slidell , La. Just wondered if anybody else is scheduled for the same day and place !! Im skeerd but so excited !!
Topic: RE: Christmas is coming early...VSG 12/22
Mine is 12/21! So excited and nervous. Know it's for the best!!
Best of luck to you. We'll have to keep in touch. :)
Topic: RE: New surgery date 12/06/11
Hi. I'm also having RNY on 12/6. I'm really struggling w/ the pre-op liquid diet, too. Just trying to stay focused on things other than food! Best of luck to you!
Topic: RE: Surgery date is December 12, 2011
Hi, My surgery is on the same day as yours; 12/12/2011
Lets keep in touch.
Topic: RE: New surgery date 12/06/11
Dec. 6, 2011. Any more surgery buddies? Pre-op diet is killing me.