Approaching my 3 year mark
I have been doing well for the past 2 and a half year with my surgery and weight loss. I have not had any major problems and I have been able to keep taking all my vitamins. I get my blood work done at least once a year and have adjust my vitamins and supplements as directed. As I approach my 3 years I have begun to be abe to eat more and have been eating really badly. I need to refocus now before I start gaining and then become ina panic mode. I knew from the beginning that eat small meals several times a day or eating what I can when I could, would get me all messed up but I just have to refocus becasue I know that I will not be losing at the rate I started out. I figured it has been half the amount each year. S0 i lost about 120 pounds the first year, about 55 pounds the second year and I am about 43 pounds right now. I figure by next year this time I will probably loose about anothe 21 to 30 pounds. I will have to focus on that and not worry about anything else. I am going to have to step up the pace of my exercise program. My water aerobics class may have to go by the wayside and I may start with some zumba or floor aerobics and maybe even some weight training. I will get back on track!