Weight Gain
We are approaching the two year mark - so hard to believe! I did really well with my RNY - I lost 170 pounds and was able to maintain that for 6 monthes. Since May I have gained 10 pounds and starting to panic - I like being a size 6 and have spent a fortune on new clothes! My issue is I now feel hungry all the time - which I really didn't up until the spring. Have any of you tried the 5 day pouch test I have read about? Any advice on how to get a hold on this before it really gets out of hand? Thank you so much!
First of all, happy surgery anniversary to you tomorrow!
2 years out, its hard to believe how time has flown. I'm in the same boat with you. I bought 4's and 6's as my wardrobe staple though with the addition of 6lbs and now I'm enjoying my 6's and more 8's again due to "the bounceback." Whooda thunk that 6lbs would make a difference in clothing? Anyway, I feel silly worrying about such a little gain in the grand scheme of things, but the panic has set in and I'm glad to know I'm not alone in this. I haven't tried the 5-day pouch test, because like you, I feel hungry all the time. I can physically feel my pouch empty and soon after that I get a near hypoglycemic reaction meaning I have to eat a/s/a/p and that's also led to bad habits of munching on not so healthy foods. So, I've gone back to journaling my food and getting consistent with my workout regimen again so there's no excuse. Let's support each other in maintenance!
Keep me posted if you do the 5-day pouch test.

Keep me posted if you do the 5-day pouch test.