My 8 month pics
So here I am at my 8 month mark, weighing in at 155-156 pounds, I won't claim it in my ticker until I teeter between 154-155. I am still trying to get it all in and am working hard to do so. Some days aren't perfect but I dust myself off and try again. This truly is a constantly evolving work in process, losing weight, because some things that worked earlier now don't as far as exercise goes and I have had to adjust to make sure I stay on the right track. In a way, that reminds me of pre-WLS dieting and exercise, so the more things change the more they remain the same. I know it is a tool and I will continue to work it. Here is a pic of me now at 155-156 and I have others in my photo album. I'm still in it to win it and wish you all the success in the world.
My goal 135; current 132; pre-op highest 285; I have lost more than I weigh... I
my RNY!
Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!

Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!
Aww, thank you! And you are killing it in your post-op pics too girlie! I am definitely congratulating you on your loss too, working that blue CK dress! I'm going to have to check out CK myself. I'm not trying to hide in jeans, I guess I am just going through a phase where I love them since they don't need to have stretch or an elastic waist, lmao. I always loved the layered look but you never would have caught me trying it @ 285. I will most definitely put some pics on here soon of me in a cute stunna dress. Plus the Air Force ball is coming up so I will have some "trying on gowns pics" too. I'll definitely "strut" in my next pics,lol.
My goal 135; current 132; pre-op highest 285; I have lost more than I weigh... I
my RNY!
Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!

Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!
Congrats on you 93# loss, that is certainly something to be proud of! I bet you feel so much better now than back in December. I have tried to be very strict in following my docs rules and yes, I have cheated sometimes but find if I get my protein, water and exercise in all will fall in place. I also don't allow myself to believe that I can't get there. I am forever positive and I think that by staying upbeat that helps my enthusiam in doing everything that needs done. You seem to be a positive person also, so keep following your doctor's or nut's advice and all will in place for where your body wants/needs to be. Take care and if you do need some protein tips I thihnk melting mama has some great ones on her website.
My goal 135; current 132; pre-op highest 285; I have lost more than I weigh... I
my RNY!
Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!

Full TT w/ muscle repair 2/14/12 best valentines gift ever!