I got the boot yesterday, WTF!
No I didn't get fired, but it might have been just as bad. I went to the ortho dr yesterday about my ankle follow up after the MRI. It showed no sigificant damage. I said "why does my ankle hurt wen I get on the tm or walk any distance. His reply was "I am not sure" UGGG!! so he put me in a boot( see pics in profile) for 3 weeks and then if my ankle doesn't get better I have to c an ultra special orth ankle dr. ohhhhh joy!. NO tm or high impact exercises for aother 3 weeks. I am allowed low impact such as the elipticaI, recumbent bike and regular bike, can I tell you how much I hate the eliptical and when I go to ride my bike it freakin rains.. But I am as happy as can be right now cuz I don't own an eliptical machine......... more to follow in 3 weeks
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is correct.lol
look me up on Facebook too
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is correct.lol

look me up on Facebook too

Hi Tom! Love the boot, so stylish with your new jeans. Just kidding. Sorry that this is happening now. I know I hate everything that stops me from exercising because I don't want to lose any time while I have my tool at "full strengh". I love the picture of you and your grandaughter. You'll be chasing after her in know time. She is adorable. I can't wait til I can babysit mine. Couldn't do it before because I couldn't run after them or go up and down the stairs easily. Now I can. Let us know how you make ou.
I'm sorry you got the boot! I know that makes it difficult to keep your exercise regimen up! I own an elliptical. I got it off of craigslist.org. I got it for a fair price. I don't care for it much but I do use it. I record my fav shows and only watch them when I am on my elliptical. It gives me incentive to get up at 5am and hop on!
I hope you are better soon!
I hope you are better soon!
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I gotta tell you. I think I have peace with the dreaded beast. I went to the gym last night. Way to many people for me to work out ( one of my paranoia)
so i got on the elipitical and got over 33minutes for the first time in a long time and had some fun doing it. could this be the end of the world, wen all things are in harmony?
I got to be honest, i didn't put a lot of trust in the boot. Like why should I wear it if my ankle didn't hurt? I got my answer yesterday. While getting ready to work outside, my ankle flared up, limped in to get the boot and baam, instant relief after putting it on. Now I am a believer.
. I wish i could wear it at work. I think it would go good with my purple bikini
so i got on the elipitical and got over 33minutes for the first time in a long time and had some fun doing it. could this be the end of the world, wen all things are in harmony?

I got to be honest, i didn't put a lot of trust in the boot. Like why should I wear it if my ankle didn't hurt? I got my answer yesterday. While getting ready to work outside, my ankle flared up, limped in to get the boot and baam, instant relief after putting it on. Now I am a believer.

Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is correct.lol
look me up on Facebook too
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is correct.lol

look me up on Facebook too