Ok now I'm pissed

Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
I wouldn't say everybody hates seeing these post, Because we are here to fell your pain and comiserate(sp) with you.
It's ok to be frustrated. Just don't let it overcome you. Like everybody keeps saying on here. The weight will come off when it wants too.
One thing I found to be true. is to up the water n Protein intake and maybe change ur workout around. Give ur body a jumpstart so to speak.
Kepp up the good work. It will happen when u least expect it.
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is correct.lol

look me up on Facebook too

Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
Kristy K.
Obesity Help Support Group Leader
"On the lighter side" Everyone and anyone welcome!
Hi Kristi- Not sure if my clothes are loser from the beginning of the month or not. Not noticably so I guess. I'm going to try and relax about it, but it's hard. you're doing great w/ your band!
Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
1) You lost EIGHT pounds! EIGHT! Rock on! Sure, you may think it's too slow, but think of the advantages to your SKIN to losing slowly. And.. I don't know about you.. but when I did WW, I was still hungry all the time and totally conscious of being on a "DIET". Not so much with the surgery! EIGHT POUNDS!! Stand tall!
2) You're working out a lot. I'm thinking muscle replacing fat! Muscle weighs a LOT more than fat. Of course you won't "lose" a lot of weight, but you will lose a lot of fat! Which is your goal?
3) Are you FEELING better? Do you notice that the exercise is helping you? I know I sure did! I feel your pain. I've been in a 2 1/2 week stall now and it's very aggravating. How can we eat so little and not lose weight? Beats me... it'll happen when it's supposed to happen!
4) Are you doing the same exercise routine at the same time of day? My Nut said that your body figures this out pretty quickly and learns to be ready for it. He said you have to mix up the routine AND when you do it! Don't let your body figure it out. :-)
5) EIGHT POUNDS! Imagine.. 8 pounds EVERY month! Even on WW you couldn't sustain that for too, too long!
Don't get frustrated! I think we are all feeling the "I'll be the one person that this surgery does NOT work for!" We're wrong. It's going to work. Keep with your program, stay on top of your protein and fluids. By summer.. we'll be laughing that we were worried and frustrated in February!
p.s. I'm REALLY proud and amazed that you stayed off the scale all month. I know I couldn't do it. Not yet anyhow!
Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
You might want to see a chiropactor or talk to your surgeon about your back. The father of one of my friends had the surgery and experienced really horrible back pain post surgey. It was actually a result of the weight loss. His pre-surgery weight had caused him to start walking/sitting/moving, etc. in a way to compensate for the weight. When it started coming off, his muscles and stuff were all improperly aligned for the body without all the fat! He's much better now but took him a while to realize what was going on and what the pain was from.
The increased energy is a great sign! That will continue to improve, I'm sure! Last weekend I went on a three hour cleaning spree in my house. I HATE cleaning! lol So.. the weight loss had at least one positive! Now.. mind you, I haven't done it again since... but boy was it nice when it happened!
Keep up with the walking...stay the course and the weight will start coming off again! Mine has also been pretty slow and I am aggravated at times. Then, I remind myself of all the things I pointed out to you in the earlier post. We're gonna be great! You'll see! Don't get discouraged!
Good luck!
First let me say from looking at your picture it sure looks like you have lost a LOT more than 41 pounds. I was stuck at what seemed like a never ending stall, then I started doubling my walking and it started dropping again.
Have you taken measurements? I did this last week and had lost 24.5 inches since surgery! I checked again today and another 8 inches overall and this is just measuring my waist, hips, upper arms and neck. That is 32.5 inches! I wish I had done the rest of me but I know it's coming off. Measure yourself, look at your pictures side by side.. YOU LOOK AWESOME!! The scales are NOT the only measure!