Amazement - this actually works!!! - Edited!!
Hi Friends!
I had my lap RNY on Dec. 8, 08. I've lost 40-ish pounds since then. I say 40-ish because I've discovered that I lose a couple, gain a couple, lose 3 gain 2, I am playing with 1 pound up and down at 40 - crazy! But I'm not stressing any more about it! But...the most exciting thing: Went to the dr. a couple days ago for a bloodwork review - blood was taken at 10 weeks out. My cholesterol has dropped 30 points, my bp is below average, my diabetes A1c is 6.1, AND - the coolest said right there on my results that I'm NO LONGER HIGH RISK!!!!! WHOOO HOO!! this thing actually works! I mean, I know I've been feeling better, and dropping sizes, but to see the bloodwork results and have it put in writing...WOW! Amazing!
How's everyone else doing??? I would love to know!
PS - I meant to add, after my dr.s visit, I was on a high! I felt so good, I decided to go donate blood. Umm, may I kindly recommend that those of us about 3 months out, NOT do this!!! I thought I would be fine - I mean, its my food intake that's restricted, right, I still have all my blood...Umm NO! I was weak, exhausted, nauseous, and headachey about an hour after I donated. Lasted about 36 hours! I ate and drank and ate and drank as much protein as I could yesterday just to refill my reserves! Finally feeling better today, but still somewhat puny. Just thought I'd mention my silliness in hopes of others not making the same mistake!
I, too, am struggling with the day-to-day scale changes that are not always in my favor. I'm really trying to work up the hutspa to just ditch the scale and only weigh in at my doctor's visits. The scale seems to be my new addiction. It's my first thing in the morning and last thing at night!! So silly.
Anyhow... thanks, too, for the heads-up on the blood donation. I would've thought the same way that you did so it's good to know that is not the right choice right now.
Keep up the great work! Your body WILL thank you for it.
I was just telling my gf last night how everybody else sees my weight loss but I am having a hard time comprehending it cuz I don't see myself in that way. mind hasn't caught up to the body yet.
It is very cool that you thought of other people before yourself in giving the blood. I wish the Red Cross would change their requirments. I am not allowed to donate because of the "risks" of my job. I would donate all the time.
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is
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