the scale doesn't move
I started today in tears. I have not lost any weight in over a week. Well, that is not so bad you might think, but I am not even 3 weeks past my surgery date! I didn't think the stall would happen this soon. I was really quite upset. I lost 17 lbs in the 2 weeks before surgery and then the first week post op I lost 14 lbs. The second week I lost 6 lbs and since then nothing. Not one darned pound! My 3rd week surgeversary is 1/12. I know I am only taking in about 300 to 400 cals a day. I am about to start the pureed/soft diet. I am sure I will take in more calories with that. I was worried that I would be even slower in losing weight if I had more calories but now I have been told that this is probably not the case. They say that my body might be in a starvation mode. It has shut down to save itself. Stupid body... ugh.
I hope the scale moves for you soon. I read recently (not sure if it's true) that either your body starts showing inch loss, or you see the number on the scale go down, but not both at the same time. Try not to get frustrated, it'll move again soon. **Remind me I said that when I hit my first stall.

Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
I've been so tired and have really struggled to find any food that I like at all. (I'm in the pureed stage) I know I've been eating more carbs than I should, but mashed potatoes are something that sits well and I like. I can't find any protein source I like. I've had several incidents of pureed meats not sitting well, and throwing up. Ugh!
I'll weigh in again tomorrow, hopefully I've lost another few, but if not- That's fine. I'll just have to wait it out.
I'll weigh in again tomorrow, hopefully I've lost another few, but if not- That's fine. I'll just have to wait it out.
Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
I have just started the pureed. Today for lunch I had crab meat with light mayo that went thru the food processor. I added spices and put it on 3 single saltines. I used one small can of crabmeat with 2 tbs of lt mayo. Then I used 1/4 of it for my meal. I liked it and it is 3 hrs after lunch and I feel fine. Can you eat refried beans? I am allowed to have protein that is soft like that as long as it is below 5 gms of fat and 10 gms of sugar. Well, protein doesn't really have sugar but that is my rule for anything I eat.
I can't eat mashed potatoes. They sit hard in my stomach and make me feel very uncomfortable. My heart will even race after eating them. ugh. horrible feeling. It will be interesting to see what I can have.
I can't eat mashed potatoes. They sit hard in my stomach and make me feel very uncomfortable. My heart will even race after eating them. ugh. horrible feeling. It will be interesting to see what I can have.
I accidentally didn't read a label well and had a yogurt with 14G of sugar. (I thought it had splena) I felt awful from that, racey heart, sweaty for about an hour. Blech!
Canned chicken w/ may through the food processor is the first thing that got "stuck" or didn't sit well with me. After an hour of thinking I was going to die, I took a small sip of pop to induce puking and felt way better after it was out. not sure if it was "stuck" or what, but it felt heavy on my chest, almost to the point of feeling like I had labored breath. It sucks getting used to all the new rules. I wonder if crab meat is moister and would be ok. I might have to try it eventually.
Canned chicken w/ may through the food processor is the first thing that got "stuck" or didn't sit well with me. After an hour of thinking I was going to die, I took a small sip of pop to induce puking and felt way better after it was out. not sure if it was "stuck" or what, but it felt heavy on my chest, almost to the point of feeling like I had labored breath. It sucks getting used to all the new rules. I wonder if crab meat is moister and would be ok. I might have to try it eventually.
Kristy (weight loss below does not include 16lbs lost during pre WLS diet)
START: 325 Day of Surgery :309 GOAL: 180
I no how you feel. I am stuck at 17 ponds and knew I would be stalling. I am frustrated also. cuz I am hitting the gym but getting more pain than gain.
I think I am one of the exceptions to the rule, as far as food goes. I think I might be able to anything, not going to get drastic just yet but I have tried some no-no's without a problem. And I am sure this has a lot to do with my stalling. I am probably around 1100 calories daly.
I think I am one of the exceptions to the rule, as far as food goes. I think I might be able to anything, not going to get drastic just yet but I have tried some no-no's without a problem. And I am sure this has a lot to do with my stalling. I am probably around 1100 calories daly.
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is
look me up on Facebook too
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is
look me up on Facebook too