Am I the only regretfull one?

Kristi E.
on 1/1/09 4:41 am
Everyone is always so positive and encouraging here, which is nice. But I have to admit I always don't feel like that.
I think in a couple more weeks maybe that will change, but I feel like I'm not sure being this sore is justified by what I have seen in myself so far.
I don't think my scale has moved in the past week. (RNY 12/22). I spent a week in bed with back pain, and I still can't sit very well.
If I had known how much pain I was going to think I wouldn't have done it. I don't think I have too low of a threshold either. Ceseareans, tattoos and piercings are ok, this sucked!
I was served the wrong menu at the hospital and so I think I can eat anything without pain. Soft things anyway. I have only felt full once. That one time was horrible, but it was just once.
A big part of doing this was so that I could enjoy better time with my 3 daughters, and I feel like I can't do anything much for them right now.
OK, I know this will all change, but needed to have a small pity party for myself to get through the present.I can't wait until I am happy, appreciative and grateful for this experience, but its not yet!
Am I the only one?

on 1/1/09 5:42 am - Baltimore, MD
I personally was never regretful but know others who that you have gotten that off your chest it is my opinion that you have to start seeing in your minds eye where you want to be. I was sore as well, but the only way through that is time and keep moving....get up and walk, even if it hurts, you have just had major surgery. A c-section is major as well but it is a different type of major and maybe there is some old scar tissue or something that is making this a bit more painful for you than some of the rest of us. Remember why you made your decision in the first place and as you start reaching those small milestones, you will soon forget about this stage; however if you keep feeling this way for a prolonged period or it gets worse, know that it is OK to seek treatment. I have a girlfriend that did go through a very major depression after her surgery and you do not want this feeling of regret to overwhelm you. 

I will never consider myself a failure...unless I stop trying.
If you fall 7 times; make sure you get up 8 !

Julie G.
on 1/1/09 6:19 am
I also had a Caesarean with my second child.  It was only 3 years ago, so I still remember it pretty well.  This pain is a very different kind of pain and is lasting in different ways.  We have to keep in mind that not only did they cut through skin but also through muscle AND completely reorganized our insides. 

That being said, I think that if you are still in as much pain as it sounds like, you likely need to call your doctor.  I still have moments of pain but mostly I can do my light daily activities without problem.  (I'm also RNY 12/22) 

As far as eating.. we definitely can NOT eat anything. (Oh I wish we could)  Stick with those liquids.  I've now talked to a  number of people here at home (14 to be exact) who have had the surgery and they all had different doctors.  They've all told me that it isn't really until about 2-3 weeks out that you start to get that "full" feeling again and it really hits full force after we go back on solid foods.

The only time I asked "OMG What did I do?" was two days ago when I got violently ill from potato soup.  I believe, now, that it was way too rich too soon and I had too much too fast.  I was sick as a dog for about 2 hours.  Then, I was awakened that night from sleep at midnight and spent another 2 horrifying hours in the bathroom clutching the wastebasket.  I now know that I experienced both kinds of dumping and I can tell you I NEVER, EVER want to do that again!  So.. I am not rushing the purees right now even though I really want "food" and not soups!

You are right... this all will change.. just give it time.  There is lots of support here and though it seems like everyone is positive all the time.. we both know that's not the case.  :-)  It's just easier to be positive for someone else than it is for yourself!!    That weight WILL start to come off.  I was in the exact same boat and then all of the sudden these past two days the scale started moving!  Just give it time... your body will react.  :-)  There's no way that it possibly couldn't if you're following your diet plan!!

Stay focused!  We can do this!!

on 1/1/09 7:05 am, edited 1/1/09 7:06 am - fanwood, NJ
I do recall a few times while in the hospital and in major pain I kept asking myself what did I do to myself?  But I did need to keep my reasons in sight - which is to be healthy and able to do all the things I can currently do.

I just started limited pureed foods the other day, so it was liquids for 2 weeks also.  It does not include potatoes or starchy vegetables yet. The first day in the hospital, when I wasn't supposed to have even a cup of water - they brought me a tray.  Fortunately, I was smart enough to assume the staff made a mistake and I needed to follow my doc's instructions.

There are quite a number of challenges we'll all face (in fact, I'm going to put it in another post), but for me, I have noticed that with every passing day there HAVE been improvements and I am starting to feel better and stronger.  Still not completely there yet, but nowhere near where I was at the hospital!

It WILL get better.  Perhaps even by the time you're reading this, you'll be feeling better.

Cheryl        Lap RNY 12/22/08

on 1/1/09 10:02 am - CA
Oh,, too.  I only spent 1 night in the hospital.  Then we went back to the hotel for another night before driving home (for 6 hours).  That  night in the hotel was rough.  I was extremely restless and got next to no sleep.  I felt incredibly bloated.  I had walked quite a bit in the hospital.  While my husband slept, I fretted, thinking OMG WTF have I done.  I'll never be able to consume all the liquids and protein or us small enough sips and bites.  I was rather down in the dumps.  It's been a couple of days now but I'm feeling better, more optimistic. 
on 1/1/09 10:07 am - San Jose, CA
Hang in there Kristi,

My pain is almost compelety gone.  Just a tiny biy sore on the left side.  But I am starting to see that I am babying myself and being over cautious.  You should follow the paperwork about the diet plan given by Zare's office it is helpful.  Due to the nerves that are  temporaily dead in the in the new pouch you will not feel the fullness yet.  measureing my food  has really helped me.  I am still on pured by use a 1/4 measuring cup.   The goal is to feel satisfied and not full.  I felt the same you did but now can see the positive changes in my life. 


Diane Z.
on 1/1/09 11:59 am - Newark, CA

Hang in there, girl!!! It gets soooo much better.  I had mine a week before you did, and I had lots of back pain and congestion.   AND... no weight loss whatsoever!   My surgeon explained that because of the swelling and bruising, my body was retaining fluid to heal. 

He was right!  Now it is two weeks past my date, and 14 pounds came off.

Go ahead and have your pity party!  It's part of the process... but I will bet that you will feel different in about a week.  Keep your chin up! 

on 1/2/09 1:09 am - Montgomery, IL
 I imagine part of why you did the surgery was so you could live a long life and enjoy your children and eventually your grandchildren.  Keep in mind all the things you would probably go through if you didn't do this-diabetes, sleep apnea, arthritis, possible stroke and/or heart attack, and on and on.

So right now, you are looking at the short term.  Look forward to the bright and light future ahead of you.  Hold on tight, it will get better.
5'6"  380(HW)/316(First visit)230.2(Current)/154(goal)

Mrs. Scarlet
on 1/2/09 12:03 pm - KS
We are only 11 days out today. I am still VERY weak, sore and tender. I still don't sleep very well at night and I don't feel I am getting enough nutrition. But We are ONLY 11 days out! If we were to have had this surgery 30 years ago...we wouldn't even be home yet. We are home...but our bodies don't care! All it cares about is healing from what it just went will be Ok...but it WILL take time! I will be thinking about you, and please don't be afraid to write...even if it takes me awhile to respond..I will!
Mrs. Scarlet
on 1/2/09 12:05 pm - KS
And I forgot to tell you...I GAINED 17 pounds from surgery. I had my first post-op visit today, and my Dr. said that he would have been Ok if I hadn't lost a pound. The weight WILL come off..but agin, it just takes time! Good luck..and I hope your feeling a little better today!
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