Drains out, pain back!
Yesterday was my one week follow up from RNY and there was good and bad. The good...my drains came out and I am down 20 pounds. I cannot believe 1 week and one day after surgery and 20 pounds melted off...especially since I am still bloated and my stomach feels huge.
Now the bad...seems that since they removed the drains they upset my insides. On my left side...I am in pain now. The pain was so bad I could barely stand up and move around. I took an oxycodine and got up and walked around, used the restroom, changed the dressing and did a few things...but that is it. I tried to sleep in bed last night and that was a no go, so I am back in my chair...thank goodness for this chair.
Anyone else have pain after the drains were removed? I was so thankful to have them out thinking it was all downhill now...and well...this is not fun. I have to say I really felt good two days ago so now I am praying this goes away.
I have it when I am sittting in a car or laying in certain positions. MOst of the time if I change positions it goes away.
I asked the doc today. she relates some of it to gas and cramping. she told me to move around and stretch.
and it will eventually go away.
Good luck. I hope yours does real sooon.
Consult/ Sugery/Current/Goal/lost
358.4 347 217 218 141.4
7/31/08 12/18/08-03/24/2010
Timing is everything.
I sure hope my scale is correct.lol

look me up on Facebook too

My doc insists that this will pass in time. She's been right on the mark so far.....