Surgery Tomorrow (Monday)
Well, tomorrow is the day of no return! 
I spent all day with my family on Saturday, and although there were still some question as to "why" I am doing this, it was a pretty un-eventful day...and I hope tomorrow is too! I will let everyone know how things went as soon as I can..and I wanted to thank all of you for you support, thoughts and prayers! This beautiful Caterpillar is about to become a beautiful butterfly! .........Love Kari

Okay, so I don't know you very well.. just the little bit I"ve learned on here. But, I DO know that you are NOT a caterpillar.. YOu are already a butterfly. Tomorrow will only help to let those colors shine more brightly!
We are gonna be great! No problems! No complications! Healthy living from here on out! Can't wait to see you on the other side! I'm praying for ya!
We are gonna be great! No problems! No complications! Healthy living from here on out! Can't wait to see you on the other side! I'm praying for ya!