Having surgery on the 22nd...A tad freaked out!
Yes, our lives will change forever. I don't think we will fully understand until we are through it, but as I said in another post, I realized that it takes time for us to get used to ANYTHING new. I don't know about you, but it took time to get comfortable with marriage, children, jobs, driving a car, breaking up with someone etc. This is not any different except that our bodies will pretty much force us to change at first...then it's up to us. My therapist said that tears are GOOD, and not to fight them. Not only will we be loosing weight, but we will have to learn to deal with other losses too..like the loss of of or relationship with food, the loss who we have been for so long, and some good ones like the loss of co-morbidities, the loss of pain and tiredness (at least some), the loss of these big ol clothes etc!
But I think we will be just fine! And it's AWESOME tht your hauuby is trying to help. Mine is too, and even though he doesn't really know how to handle me sometimes right now...at least he is trying! LOL Have a good week, and good luck!

So, how are you holding up?
I live in the greater Chicago area and we keep having weather issues. I am hoping that tomorrow we will have a successful Christmas celebration with my family (my mom is freaking out with the ice and snow we had overnight last night). And, I hope it doesn't snow when I have to go to the hospital or while I am there.
Only a few more days! How exciting!
Good Luck Monday to all of us!