10 days and scared to death!
First, congrats on your upcoming surgery. What a great date (my birthday)!
Being afraid is completely normal, trust me, as you will see if you read some of the posts on this page, I am at the (less than) 1 week freak. I went so far as to update my will, complete my organ donor info and even give my sister copies of all my financial info, *just in case*.
There are many people on this board who have just completed having surgery and are a great source of information for all of us.
Sit down, throw your feet up and read some posts, etc.. we are all here for you.
By the way, there are no stupid questions on this board, so ask away.
This is just such a foreign feeling for me. I am finding myself near tears when I think about recovery. I'm not terribly worried about the surgery itself.. just about being strong enough for the recovery. I can't wait for a life where I can actually play with my kids rather than watching them...
I'm glad to hear you say that it's normal. I'm seeing from the posts here that most everyone that's posted recent surgery have had pretty nice recoveries. That's a nice change from what I've been hearing up until now. It's just such a major change to my body and I am worried that I won't be dilligent enough to stay "with the program", so to speak.
I hadn't even really thought about the whole will issue. My husband is also very concerned because he's convinced himself that he can't raise our boys on his own should something happen during surgery. That scares me because he is normally the unflappable one. I know it's love that is driving him .. I don't know. This whole crying thing is just so silly to me yet I can't seem to stop.
Okay.. so now I look back over this and realize I am totally rambling! Sorry about that. In any case..thank you for your encouragement. It really is helpful. I'm going to take your advice and check out the goings-on here. I just need to figure out a better way to get to this forum. lol It was a very convaluted journey I took! lol

I will tell you I have a coworker at one of our offices in another state who had this surgery and lost over 200 lbs. Last fall she ended up with a twisted intestine and was in ICU for a couple weeks. Against my better judgment I called her before I consented to the surgery. To my shock, she said even with all the complications she had, she would do it again in a heartbeat. Now THAT says a lot!
You will be fine, so will I.. this surgery is done hundreds of times a day all over the US. Our odds are great.
Hang in there, if you need someone to commiserate with, I'm here!
OH, to get to this page, you can simply bookmark it at the top of the page or if you are on the main forum page, about 1/5 of the way down the page, in the middle of the page, you will see a local board on the lef twith drop down menu, and on the right there is one with december 2008 on it.
It makes me sad to hear that you go home to a space where you are alone with your fears. I'm very fortunate in that I have two amazing little boys and a supportive husband. Though, my dogs have also experienced my weeping lately! I think that you are right, though, in that this site will help me pull myself together and go into surgery in 9 days informed and prepared to change my life for the better!!
Thanks for your amazing support. Especially since you are going through the same thing and don't even know me! It's aweseom to know that there are so many great people out there! (here?)
I just ready your post and what great support! I thought I was the only one that cries or being a big baby as my husband would put it! (you know how men are) This is so overwhelming for me I have changed my whole eating lifestyle and I feel like I have no clue of what I am doing. Why do I have this fear of not loosing because I feel so good I havent experienced anything bad yet with my surgery. I guess I shouldnt be thinking like that I should be thanking the Jesus for getting me through this huh?
Thanks again for the reminder that there IS someone to give thanks to!
You'll be in my prayers this week for a successful surgery and quick and painless recovery! Please keep me posted on how it goes!